How to make a Kayla Thivierge
5 parts success
1 part courage
5 parts instinct
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktailFrom At 3:45 i went back to the gym and i feel even better. Pretty much every part of me was sweating. I love that feeling, now i know i worked my hardest.. I went on the stepper thing( i dont know the real name fo r it) and then i went on the bike and did 9 miles on that in 25 minutes. Oh man im so proud of my self! And then after working out, my sister had to go to walk mart for band aids and i went in and my back was all sweaty, but i didnt want to stay in the car, and i saw justin, and hopefully he didnt notice how gross i was cause my back wasnt turned towards him. Oh well if he did.
I guess thats all for now.
And Ashley: I promise things will get better in time. Im here for you if you need to talk, whenever, dont hesitate to call. You can call at midnight, and i will listen. Whatever you need, im here. Dont forget. You'll be alright, i promise!