So it's the second day of class, and I'm ready to call it quits. My brain isn't functioning and I feel lame in Japnaese class. I really like Shima but I wish I could have my old class back. I know I'll get used to the class soon, but until then I'm going to dread going to Japanese everyday, especially LECTURE. I have that soon. It's so frightening how she just says your name out of the 100+ people in that lecture and expect you to answer in Japanese. I feel like I've forgotten everything, so I'm just going to try and look at my book a little bit each day until my previous knowledge has returned. I'm afraid to see what happens after having a whole summer off, with no Japanese....break wasn't even a month! Oh well. My other classes are alright so far, but it's hard to tell since we've only gone over the syllabus. I'm tired, and feel a bit sick, and I just want to stay home all day and play Sims and be insane. Alas, I must realize that it isn't winter break anymore. Other than the general denials of school being back in session, the last few days have been alright. I go to class, look for books, eat, maybe watch some bachelor, or FAT people!! (tonight on national geographic!!), and I even managed to play sims for about thirty minutes. I consider that a great sucess, considering my computer wouldn't let me play sims for over a year.
I'm slowly considering getting back into fanfics, starting with, of course, Department Store Love. I really want to reread my Goong fic, but the author locked it up. I might try and contact her and beg her to let me read it, but I'm not sure she will. It depresses me. Oh, Shin Goon, how I miss your sexiness. LOOK IT'S RAIN