Aug 11, 2009 00:55
Good question. The short answer; too much caffeine...
The long answer; drinking a W.O.W. themed Mt. Dew at close to seven pm, followed by a cup (or two) of freshly brewed tea at nearly nine, added to the fact that it's BLOODY HOT! It is now (as I type this sentence) one am, and it has got to be upper-seventy something in this room. Oh sure, I imagine it's much nicer out side at the moment, but being buck naked having stripped to the bare essentials I have to think about the house mates' sense of decency and my GF's own issues with privacy. Thus, fans all on, windows wide open (which means bupkis because currently our corner room is at the lee of the house for what little wind there is tonight(and we keep the door closed for the aforementioned reasons)), and laying on top of all covers tossing turning and sweating.
Now the sad thing is, I AM tired. It has been a very long day that turned out to be much busier that originally thought and for different reasons that planned. The heat wave hasn't helped. I'm a very temperate creature. I like it around sixty-five to seventy, in the day time. When it's the mid-seventies IN SIDE at night in a room where the air is stagnant even with three fans running on high... Welcome to my personal First Level of Hell.
The REALLY irritating thing is, I sit here typing, or reading, or futzing with SPORE, and I get tired, sleepy even. I lay down, close my eyes, rest, remind myself to relax, nearly drift off, and then wake up from this 'power nap' wide awake, but in no way rested. I do have a pack of Tylenol PM somewhere, but I REALLY do not want to have to rely on a drug to get me to sleep, and I hate how sluggish it makes me in the morning, even more than normal. (To say nothing of the dry mouth!)
The good news is, the BRITA has a fairly fresh filter, and the water in the pipes (while tasting like it have from a well maintained swimming pool(hence the filter)) is cool. It really does help, however little a bit.
Bleah, I go try sleep again, again...
Hmmm, if this keeps up, I wonder how long 'till I start hallucinating?