Nov 22, 2008 00:17
Tonight at the Buckcherry show, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, and this STUNNING girl is standing behind me, staring me right in the eyes.
Her: You're beautiful! You look just like [some dude I can't remember]!
Me: I don't know who that is...
Her: He's from [some band I can't remember].
Me: Oh... well, you too. Er... not about that dude... the other thing.
Then she starts to move in for a kiss, then hesitates briefly, as if she had to work up the courage(that was the most adorable thing I've EVER seen!). Then she starts making out with me.
Besides being probably the coolest way I've ever been kissed, it's not really anything to brag about. I just bring it up because this is the THIRD TIME a girl I did not know came up to me at a Buckcherry show and kissed me without even exchanging names. I don't know what it is about that band, but I simply adore the ladies they attract.
Speaking of lovely ladies, this cutie I met on Halloween called me the other day. I thought about calling the next day, but didn't really feel confident about the interaction, and didn't even know if she'd remember me. Imagine my surprise when my phone rings and her name shows up on the caller ID, after two weeks...
I love girls who make the first phone call. It shows that they go for what they want, and I really respect it. In fact, it's actually a pretty big turn-on for me.
Anyway, me and her are hanging out tomorrow. We got along pretty well when we met, so I'm stoked. But I'm not putting any expectations on it; we'll just see where it goes.