The fourth floor study lounge can be a very helpful place. I've spent a few late nights in here, and it has been good to me. However, lately some things have been very annoying. Such as the two girls who sit on the couch and laugh about stuff. Go somewhere else to do that please. And there is this one particular VERY tall girl who is so loud who always comes in and sits right near me. It's not that she talks or anything, but the way she... LIVES... is just so loud. I also hate people who come with lollipops. Annoying tall girl sometimes has a Jolly Rancher lollipop, but she doesn't EAT it. She lays it, opened and previously licked, laying on the wrapper on the table. I think she just enjoys the smell of it, but I hate that smell. Right now there is another lollipop girl. OH SHE JUST BIT THE SUCKER. But she was sucking on it quite obnoxiously earlier. I have to go do my work... and hopeully solitaire won't distract me this time.