Elchenburg Info

Apr 20, 2022 11:19

Elchenburg Castle - Facebook - Google Maps
Description: Primative camping with port-o-johns and limited water taps. Lots of flat grassy open land. Limited wooded areas available by special arrangement.
Address: 1051 Elchenburg Castle Place, Boonville, NC  27011

GPS Coordinates: North 36.17063 West 80.72893
10-Day Weather Forecast (Weatherbug)
SCA Links
Atlantian Calendar of Events
The Merry Rose of Atlantia - Facebook
Kingdom of Atlantia Announcements & Discussion - Facebook
SCA Event Registration (reservations / tickets)
1)  Visit the event page ... or find the event link on the Atlantian Calendar of Events
2)  Check for the following:
          Whether or not advance registration is mandatory
          Cutoff date for advance registration
          COVID mandates / guidelines
          Handicap accesibility
          Open and close times for event site
          Feast info
          Whether camping is permitted or if on-site lodging is available
          Pet restrictions
          Fire restrictions
3)  Find the Registration section of the event page and click the link to visit the SCArs (SCA reservation system). Check to make sure that the correct event name / date comes up when you click the link (in case the wrong info was linked).
4)  Click the grey "+Register" button at the bottom.
5)  Create a new account if you don't have one ... or enter your username and password.
       5a)  Username = SCA member ID number.
       5b)  If you forgot your password click the "Forgot Password?" link at the bottom Left.
       5c)  Complete the First/Last name and email address and click "Submit" button.
       5d)  If you don't receive a password re-set email (highly likely):
                    Email the SCA VP for Corporate Operations. (Currently Louise Du Cray | louise@sca.org | 408.263.9305).
                    Alternate contact is SCA Corporate Treasurer | Mazelle Attiya | mazelle@sca.org
                    Note:  The Society officers deal with issues related to your membership account access.
                    Include your legal name, SCA name and SCA member number and she will send you a temporary password.
                    You'll be prompted to create a new password when you log in.
6)  Follow instructions to register.
7)  If you have questions about the online event registration AFTER you've sucessfully logged in, contact the Atlantian SCArs Deputy at scars@exchequer.atlantia.sca.org (currently Maistreas Briana Morgan of the Valley). The Kingdom officer deals with issues related to the specific Atlantian event registration.

The Society officers deal with issues related to your membership account access.
The Kingdom officer deals with issues related to the specific Atlantian event registration.

Nearby Ammenities:  (webpage maintained on the War of the Wings (WoW) website)

Recomendations from group posts:
Debbie's Dairy Freeze (about 5 miles from site)
1201 W Main St, Yadkinville - (336) 677-2112 - 6AM-9PM Mon-Sat
"Very close to the site and has great breakfast, burgers, and ice cream. Breakfast served 6-11AM."

Papa John's (about 6 miles from site)
604 Tennessee St Ste B, Yadkinville - (336) 677-1109 - Fri-Sat 10:30AM-9:30PM -- Sun-Thu 10:30AM-9PM
To get the best port-o-john prices, at least 7 should be rented.
Average events will only need three. Groups may opt to privately rent unit(s) for their area.
Note: One port-o-john can host 10 people for one week.
Rates as of Spring 2021 if 7 or more are rented:
3-day event -- $55 per regular, $75 per handicapped
4-day event -- $65 for regular, $85 for handicapped, which includes one clean-out on Saturday.
7-day event -- $55 / $85 for regular, $75 / $105 for handicapped. Lower $ is NO clean-out. Higher $ includes three clean-outs (Mon/Wed/Fri).

There are no on-site ice vendors at the moment. It was tried once with a commercial vendor, but word didn't get around, so much of it melted. It would probably work by adding info to the event pages and decent signage. Contact Dave or Suzy (elchenburgcastle@gmail.com) if you'd like to sell ice onsite.

Firewood is available for purchase from The Woodlands camp at $5 per (generous) bundle.
Look for the "Wood For Sale" pile across the road from Troll.
You can find them in or near the giant vardo / kitchen nearby.
Contacts are Paul Woodcutter and Tatiana Berezetskaia.
Consider buying some for your firepit at home!

Dumpsters: The dumpster on site is available for bagged household trash only, and will remain available until it is filled.

Water:  Garden hoses can be run from the upper water line (where)?) to camps.
To be polite, bring a splitter so others can have the same opportunity.
No in-camp showers are currently permitted.

Parking: No parking within 25 feet of a tent, except for momentary unloading. This is a permanent fire marshal request.

On-site food vendors: Currently no food merchants, but Papa John’s delivers to site, and Yadkinville is about 5 miles away. See restaurant info above.================================================================
Site Map

Permanent camps are numbered and/or indicated by black and gold stripes and are not available for open camping. Open camping is first come, first served. Please be courteous and mindful of space as you set up your camps, so that others may also freely enjoy the site. Click to see a site map, showing block locations of Permanent Camps and camps at past events for reference only.

The following info is not included on the map:
Archery Range is located in the Yellow Belt and Red Rum blocks.
Fighting Fields are to the Left of the Castle in the Market block.
Royal Pavilion and Court are in front of the Barn in the Market block.
Field Pavilions and Merchants are located in the Market block.
A&S is in Pavilions in front of the Picnic Shelter in the Market block.
Battlefield Area & Equestrian Arena will be open for camping.

Site Rules:

Please read and respect the rules and each other. Elchenburg Castle Farm has the right to refuse or deny admission without cause or reason of any kind. Infraction of the established rules may result in curtailment of activities and/or expulsion from site without refund of fees.
• In case of emergency, call 9-1-1.
• All federal, state, and local laws apply on site.
• Renters and visitors of Elchenburg Castle assume all liability.
• Please respect the buildings and accoutrements of the site. The Farmhouse is Completely off limits and not part of the event.
• Parents are responsible for their children’s actions and any damage they may do to the site or to themselves. Please help them to understand and respect the site, other people’s camps & the animals here, and the dangers of things like leeches and electric fences.
• Do not touch electric fences.
• Do not climb on the castle or any other site structure.
• There is no smoking in any of the buildings. Please be conscious of the drift of your smoke, and dispose of your butts in proper containers.
• Pets must be supervised and on a leash (crated or otherwise constrained) at all times while on site. Owners must properly dispose of their pets’ waste.
• Fires of any sort must be supervised at all times and extinguished properly. At the end of the event, all left over fire wood (used or not) must be taken with you or placed along the tree line so as to be out of the way of lawnmowers. Before you dump your coals, if you’re not willing to stick your hand in the ashes to ensure they’re completely cool, flood the ashes with water. Please don’t burn down the site!
• Any holes dug must be filled prior to leaving site.
• Please put the lid (seat) down in the porta-johns. This allows the unpleasant odors of the contents to vent properly, preventing a stinky porta-john.
• If an event provides a dumpster, please put all garbage in the dumpster before you leave site. Otherwise, please take it with you.
• Please do not block roadways. If anyone (especially a staff member) asks you to move your vehicle, please move it immediately.

From the South:
Take your best route to I-77 North.
Take Exit 82 and turn right at the end of the exit ramp.
Proceed less than a mile and turn right onto Messick Rd.
Proceed to the end of Messick Rd. and turn left on Center Rd.
Approx. 9 miles later Mitchel Chapel United Methodist Church is on the left.
Turn right abt 4/10s of a mile past on Elchenburg Lane.

From Hwy 421:
Proceed to intersection with I-77 North.
Take exit 82 and turn right at the end of the exit ramp.
Proceed less than a mile and turn right onto Messick Rd.
Proceed to the end of Messick Rd. and turn left on Center Rd.
Approx. 9 miles later Mitchel Chapel United Methodist Church is on the left.
Turn right abt 4/10s of a mile past on Elchenburg Lane.

From I-81:
Proceed to I-77 South to Exit 82, turn left at the end of the exit ramp.
Proceed less than a mile and turn right onto Messick Rd.
Proceed to the end of Messick Rd. and turn left on Center Rd. Approx.
9 miles later Mitchel Chapel United Methodist Church is on the left.
Turn right abt 4/10s of a mile past on Elchenburg Lane.

From the East:
From Interstate 40, take exit to Highway 421 toward Boone and Yadkinville.
Continue on 421 until the Yadkinville/Highway 601 Exit 257.
Turn Right at light onto 601.
In 4/10s mile at light turn Left on W. Lee St.
At Light turn left onto West Main St/Old Hwy 421.
Abt 0.7 mile just before Harmony Grove Friends Meetinghouse turn Right on Booger Swamp Rd.
At the end of Booger Swamp, turn Right on Center Rd and travel 2.2 miles.
Turn left on Elchenburg Lane.
If you see the Mitchel Chapel United Methodist Church, you have gone too far================================================================

Site Owners:  elchenburgcastle@gmail.com (David Stewart (Lord Dubhghall mac Donnchaidhl) and Suzy Holtzclaw Stewart (Baroness Tyra Johnsdttir)

Upcoming Events - 2022
01-04 Jul - 4th of July -- Lions' Keep Work Weekend
11-16 Oct - War of the Wings XV (2022) (aka WoW) - Facebook link
Longtime / Permanent Encampment Groups (private)
BooYa Camping - Facebook
Knightly Company of the Banner of the Elephant - Facebook
Lions' Keep (aka Chez Robear / The Winky Bits Tavern)) - Facebook
Empire of Medieval Pursuits (EMP) Links
Empire of Medieval Pursuits
Kingdom of Ardesca events
Duchy of the Misty Blue Mountains events

Other Groups
The Viking Experience - Web - Facebook Page - Facebook Community

Elchenburg Castle Permanent Private Structures Policy (Current version 07/05/2021.01)
Elchenburg has just reached the 50 private structures milestone! In addition, there is now significant “buzz” about more forthcoming. It’s time (or past time) to formalize the associated costs. There are three categories of fees to be associated with permanent private structures, and the examples may serve to clarify all definitions and conditions. (If not, let Suzy and Dubhghall know, at elchenburgcastle@gmail.com.)

Site: Permanent structures (which also includes plants and under-contract but not yet constructed structures) are permitted to be installed on either a permanent camp or a legacy camp. (Permanent camps are fixed in size. Legacy camps have fixed anchors, either a point or a line segment, and then vary in size depending on registrations.)

Safety: If your structure is to be potentially dangerous in any manner whatsoever, then discuss the plans with Dubhghall &/or Suzy prior to construction. These include telephone poles, and things with a roof.

Forthcoming Structures: Forthcoming structures will be tasked with paying rent of $50 per structure per calendar year. These monies are to compensate Elchenburg for the restrictions these structures may impose, by their mere space consumption, on possible future events. (All Elchenburg profits are invested back into the site.)

Exempt structures: Some permanent private structures are exempt from the rent policy because they are features which can be used by others when the structure owners aren’t present. The best example is a firepit. (The list of exempt structures is available. It currently features 18 of the 50 existing structures.)

Grandfathered structures: Because this rent/fee concept didn’t exist until now, it strikes Suzy & Dubhghall as a rude awakening for current owners of permanent structures. Those owners are invited to negotiate forgiveness of the subsequent $50 fee. (The list of non-exempt structures is available. It currently features 32 structures.) Here are a few examples of how it might happen:
1. Hey, I just autocratted SSBB 2020 at Elchenburg and I have a permanent camp gate. Can that fee be waived for 2021? Yes, that fee will gladly be waived for 2021.
2. Hey, I’ve done a bunch of site maintenance during 2020 and have a permanent pavilion. Can that fee be waived for 2021? Yes, of course.
3. Hey, there were four SCA events at Elchenburg during 2021, and I attended (and used my structure at) all four. Can that fee be waived for 2022? Yes, your structure was a living event asset during each 2021 event, which is the intended goal for structures. So why don’t new structures enjoy this opportunity? Because complicated record-keeping would suck some of the fun out of offering Elchenburg, and that’s not conducive to happiness. Besides, rewarding the first 50 which tangibly showed site faith feels appropriate-they took a gamble and built the momentum.

Timing: These new policies go into effect as of 2023. The policies are being refined during 2021. Grandfathered structure owners have 2022 during which to qualify for exemption. The first $50 fees will be due during January of each year, starting with the January of 2023.================================================================

Water for hand-washing stations -- Publix link -- Note:  not all locations have them
Can also be found at Walmart and other grocery stores
Lions' Keep Facebook Group Link: Facebook
Encampment Location: Silver Ravine site # 49

Send $$ contributions for the encampment to:
Bonnie Hindle Harvey (Robear's Lady)

PayPal email is Alesiaglfyn@gmail.com
** Make sure you send it friends and family **

FB Group Anouncement Link - 05/15/2022

2022 build/paint schedule:
No one is required to attend all or any of our construction weekends but ALL help is appreciated and welcome.
No experience is needed either. We will need help keeping us all watered and with picking things up and putting them down.
If you want to play with power tools there are PLENTY.

Kathleen Harris is our chief Lioness in Charge of infrastructure for our build weekends. She will be coordinating meals, drinks and non-- building-related supplies. If you want to cook a meal, please speak up. Also if you don't want to cook, we are going to need LOTS of water, Gatorade, ice etc.

Memorial Day Weekend projects:
*  Work on the second story of the Keep
*  Paint the stone work (leads are Kat Romanish & Tracie Whitfield)
*  Move the shower shed (leads are Chuck Farnsworth & Christopher A Walters)
*  Dig the fire pit (leads are Johnny Harris, Kathy M Alma & Kelli Carrington)
*  Spray the weeds (lead is Andy Russell)
If you want to come for the entire time but don't want to put up canvas, let Bonnie know. She and Bob will have extra room on their tent.
Watch the Facebook Group group for more info and feel free to post questions.================================================================

elchenburg, events, sca

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