New SCA heraldry

Mar 30, 2022 14:20

Owls have been my favourite animal since I knew they existed. I should have had one in my SCA heraldry from the beginning, but better late than never.

The hardest part was finding the right design. The early period celtic feel of this one doesn't exactly fit the late period Western European look of the quarterly red and pean background, but it looks good. I do what I want.

I flipped the original image so that most of the owl falls in the plain red squares. This also faces it in the traditional heraldic position. Scaling up without access to a copy machine was easier than expected. I divided the image into 8 slices in MS Paint, pasted each piece onto a separate page of a Word doc and dragged them to the size I needed. Printed, cut and pasted the pieces together in three sizes. Laid them over the old banner and picked the size that looked the most balanced. Might have time to slap the new one together before Atlantian Coronation. We shall see...

Next related project would be to draft versions that would fit on vertical pennons and more round shape for viking style banners for early period events, since I expect to be doing a lot more Viking events.

Old blazon (heraldic description):  "Quarterly gules and pean, an armed arm argent embowed to dexter maintaining a rose argent, leaved and stalked proper"
Translation: "Quarterly (divided into 4 even parts) gules (red) and pean (black with gold ermine spots), an armed arm argent (white or silver) embowed (bent) to dexter (right) maintaining (holding) a rose argent (white or silver), leaved and stalked proper (in natural colours)." (Although I registered it as leaved and stalked proper, I displayed the entire rose as white.)

New blazon:  "Quarterly gules and pean, an owl argent"
Note:  The owl's default heraldic position is close gardent (standing in profile, wings folded, body pointed to the viewer's Left, with head facing the viewer). In heraldry the position description is eliminated from the blazon if it's the object's default heraldic position. So, instead of an "owl close gardant" you'd just blazon it as an owl.



owl, project, heraldry, sca

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