Bitten hard by the belly dance bug

Feb 18, 2022 12:02

I have a new incentive to keep up my regular hooping practice. I'm now dying to learn tribal fusion belly dance - at least well enough to do it in public without breaking a leg or poking an eye out.

The urge struck when I was looking online for an appropriate outfit for the Middle Eastern-themed Elephant Stomp at Midnight at the Oasis in September. I borrowed a friend's 25-yard skirt and fell in love with the look enough to buy two and a coin belt. I wore them to the Carolina Renfaire, Halloween at the Arcana Goth Prom, and added elf ears when I wore it again at the Witches' Ball.

Looking at the tutorial and music links that I collected only helped me slide further down the rabbit hole. I now have a few tops, headdress, and a stunning coin bra, so now I bloody well better learn some moves so I'll have more excuses to wear them. :-)

I've started my eighth week of being fully up to date with the daily workout - brisk half hour walk, an hour of core hooping and 12 minutes of hand hooping. Stomach is flattening, everything is tightening up. Fitting better in my clothes and better sleep and less stress. Ymir is out of the way and Spring is on the way. Nearly ready to start working on the tutorials. I want to take in-person classes, but not until I get some basic moves down.

hooping, retail therapy, tribal, dance

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