Mischief Border Morris

Dec 27, 2021 14:13

The exact origins of Morris dance are uncertain, but it was well established in England by Shakespeare's time. Border Morris is a wilder, more primal style of Morris dance from the English counties bordering Wales (Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire) and the Severn Valley. Less tame than other traditions, such as Cotswold or North West Morris, Border is usually danced with a simple single step (a step and a hop) instead of the more complex steps used in other styles, and with dancers clashing sticks together rather than waving hankies. Most sides (troupes / teams) wear "tatterjackets" or "tattercoats" (shirts or tunics covered in strips of cloth or ribbons) and sport creatively decorated top hats. Dancers often personalize their outfits by adding goth flourishes. In recent years their tradition of blacking their faces has evolved to using other colours and patterns ("nightface") to avoid confusing it with blackface. Morris dance like you've probably never seen it...

This is my collection of notes and links gathered in hopes of forming a casual Border Morris troupe in the Chapel Hilll / Durham area....

Videos - Beltane Border Morris
Beltane Border Morris Dance Creation Workshop [8] - Oct 2015 at Sidmouth Folk Fest
Beltane Fire Dance [8] - June 2013 at Teignmouth Folk Fest
Beltane Fire Dance [8] - May Day 2012 at Hay Tor
Beltane Fire Dance [8] (Up The Sun) - Beltane 2016 at Stonehenge
Black Fox - May 2018 at Rochester Sweeps Fest (Ravaged Oak - Track 1)
Brimfield - Aug 2018 at Bridport Folk Fest (Ravaged Oak - Track 9 and A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 10)
Cross Tree - July 2021 at Devon (Ravaged Oak - Track 6)
Dilwyn - May 2021 at The Tally Ho (Ravaged Oak - Track 5)
Haccombe - Oct 2018 at The Dark Gathering (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 10)
===> Huntress [6] - Sept 2014 at Cawsand
Jolly Roger - Apr 2010 at St. George's day, Swann Inn Dawlish (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 13)
Shapeshifter - Jun 2013 at The Ship Inn, Teignmouth (Ravaged Oak - Track 12)
Stone Circle - at Bunkfest 2013 (Ravaged Oak - Track 3)
Stone Circle - Aug 2021 at The Swan in Sidmouth (Ravaged Oak - Track 3)
Three Ravens - Oct 2016 at Bunkfest (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 9 and Ravaged Oak - Track 14)
Three Ravens - Apr 2018 at The Black Meet (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 9 and Ravaged Oak - Track 14)
===> Tolmen Stone - Apr 2019 at St. George's Fest, Totnes, Devon
===> Tregeseal - May 2015 at Upton Folk Fest
Vixen Tor (aka Vixana The Witch) - Jun 2016 at The Ship Inn, Teignmouth (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 2)
Vixen Tor (aka Vixana The Witch) - Apr 2018 at The Black Meet
White Ladies Aston - Jun 2014 (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 4)
White Ladies Aston - May 2015 at Upton Folk Fest (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 4)
Witches Brew - Jun 2013 at The Ship Inn, Teignmouth

Videos - Other Border Morris Sides/Teams
John Barleycorn - Wychwood Morris - Jun 2014 at Teignmouth  Fest
The Stick and Bucket Dance (from Terry Pratchett's Discworld Novels - Belswagger Morris - Aug 2014
Drunken Idiot [4x] - Armaleggan
Drunken Idiot [4x] - Beorma
Twiglet [5] -  Wychwood Morris
===> Twiglet [5] - Foxs Morris - Dec 2014
Twiglet [5] - Powderkegs Morris - Jun 2010
The Dark Morris and other dances (Graywell, Haul Away, Brain Damage, The Man in the Borwn Hat, and Bonfire) - Hot for Joe at Australian Discworld Convention 2017 <== VERY interesting/unusual
Ursula's Dance Transcriptions (coming soon)
Beltane Border Morris
    Beltane Fire Dance (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 17)
    Huntress (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 2)
    Tolmen Stone (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 1)
    Tregeseal (Ravaged Oak - Track 9)
    Vixen Tor (aka Vixana The Witch) (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 3 and Ravaged Oak - Track 16)
Victorian Morris Steps - Historic Royal Palaces
Ravaged Oak - Beltane Border Morris album
A-Conjuring Summer In - Beltane Border Morris album
Costume Photos
Beltane Border Morris - Facebook - Sept 2021
Costume Tutorials
Tatter Jacket by Watervole
Tatter Jacket by Anonymous Morris
Costume Materials Sources
          Durham Rescue Mission Thrift Store
          The Scrap Exchange
          TROSA Thrift Store
          CommunityWorx Thrift Store
          The Snob Shop (Winston-Salem)
Nightface / Warpaint Ideas from Pass the Rune viking glow-ups - (YouTube - outfit ideas)
Border Morris Face Paint - Google Image Search
Rune War Paint- Google Image Search
Pass The Rune - Original with subtitles
Pass The Rune - Yule Edition
57 War Paint Ideas (female) - Pinterest
Mischief Morris sticks = 30" long x 1" diameter
Traditional Lengths:  Short = 12-18 inches (30-46cm) / Long = 32-40 inches (80-100cm)
Straight unpeeled or peeled hardwood staves, traditionally hazel, but ash, hickory and oak are also suitable.
About Morris Dance
Morris Dance - Wikipedia
Border Morris - Wikipedia
Morris Dancing From the Welsh Borders - The Morris Ring
A History of border morris "night face" - Beltane Border Morris
Making Light: Strictly Morris Ramble - Abi Sutherland 01/06/2009
The Morris Tradtion - The Morris Ring
Morris Dancing - Daily Info
This troupe celebrates the earthy allure of a strange English folk dance. And beer. - Washington Post
Terry Pratchett's Lancre Stick and Bucket Dance - Watervole
My Favourite UK Border Morris Sides/Teams (Groups)
Anonymous Morris (Poole) - Website <== excellent dance notee
Beltane Border Morris (Teignmouth, Devon) - Website - Facebook - YouTube
Blackthorne Border Morris (Ledbury) - Website - Facebook - Instagram
Clerical Eerror Morris (Wales) - YouTube - Facebook
Freaks in the Peaks Border Morris (Peak District) - Website - Dance Notes <== OUTSTANDING website
Hook Eagle Morris Men ( ) - Website <== website has a wealth of info and their bio page is hilarious
Shropshire Bedlams - (Bishop's Castle, Shropshire - they kick-started Border Morris in the 1970's) - Website - Facebook - YouTube
The Witchmen (Isham, Northhamptonshire) - Website
Wreckers Morris (Cornwall) - Website
Morris Dance Quotes
"Its history is a bit confused, possibly because it’s often danced near pubs." ~ Terry Pratchett
"The people who do it and commit themselves wholeheartedly have no cool to lose, and this, perversely, makes them amazing.”
“You should make a point of trying every experience once, excepting incest and Morris dancing.”

Ursula's To Do List
Acquire more black fabric and medium shirt
Create Medium tattercoat
Copy music to computers/phone
Listen/learn music
Transcribe/Test 4 dances:
     Huntress (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 2)
     Tolmen Stone (A-Conjuring Summer In - Track 1)
     Tregeseal (Ravaged Oak - Track 9)
Assemble sample outfit
Test face paint designs
Recruit 6-12 reliable dancers in Chapel Hill/Carrboro/Hillsboro/Durham/Cary area - from Viking Experience, Goths, Triangle Vintage Dance & SCA
Recruit musicians - Ciaran, Liam and friends?

Gathered Morris info and videos, Created Livejournal info repository and dance notes templates, acquired fabric, feathers, ribbon and buttons from Scrap Exchange, Jo-Anne's and online, for test outfit, acquired pinking shears, Beltane Border Morris music CDs, recorder, drum, gloves, face paint, cut 28" & 30" test sticks and 8 and 30" performance sticks (curing), prepped/completed XL tattercoat, started tattercoat notes.
Mischief Manifested Home Page

morris, mischief, dance

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