tRump takes another shit on the carpet prior to being thrown out on his ass

Jan 06, 2021 21:55

Mom called around 2:30 PM. Beth had called and told her to turn on the TV. I popped on Facebook. No surprise, but Holy Crap. Over 1000 tRump supporters had broken into Capitol Building with guns and flags and militia gear, to "protest" the certification of the electoral votes to make Biden's victory official. Again.

They broke windows, taking photos of themselves waving guns and flags therein, vandalizing the building and its furnishings and nearby buildings after lawmakers were hustled to safety. DC went under a 24 hour curfew at 6 PM. It later came out that some police and security allowed them to pass, in some cases even opening gates and doors for them. A few cops even posed for selfies with them. The photos are plastered over media worldwide. That'll be handy when hopefully they're tried for at least six potential felonies.

The National Guard appeared to refuse at first to intervene when Pelosi and DC's mayor called for them to step up (supposedly there was "confusion"), but finally troops were deployed from three states, plus state troopers. 13 were arrested (Wow! 13!) and five (5!) guns were confiscated and at least one bomb found. One female terrorist was shot in the neck and killed. Order was mostly restored after over four hours, but some of the terrorists were seen wandering around freely after curfew.

tRump had said earlier in the day that he'd march with them, but ended up bravely tweeting from the safety of his SUV. Twitter locked his account for 12 hours and threatened to suspend it permanently if he violates the rules again. (OH! OUCH!) We'll see. Facebook, Instagram and YouTube also took down posts and Facebook temporarily locked his account.

Pence and McConnell did their duty for once. They called it out for what it was and went on with the count when the area had been secured. Pence also stated that the terrorists will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We shall see. What the Hell did tRump think was going to happen? Now he's looking at possible rapid impeachment with his other crimes coming home to roost the minute his ass hits the pavement.

People will be writing about this for years. Here's a thin slice...
Facebook and Twitter lock Trump's accounts after he posts video praising terrorists (Yeah, he's that stupid.) ~ NBC News
Donald Trump is Now a Terrorist Leader ~ Mother Jones
Congress gets back to certifying Biden victory after Trump mob storms U.S. Capitol ~ AM New York
Thousands of National Guard members head to Capital to tamp down pro-Trump insurrection ~ CNBC

So how do I feel about this personally? Sickened at the disparity between the law enforcement preparations and responses of the BLM protests and this terrorist incursion. Of course if these guys were black they'd be grievously injured, arrested and many would be dead. Embarassed yet again that this is the face of my country. I've seen enough of the stupid building up that I'm not entirely gobsmacked, but wow. Several Republicans that had vowed to to vote no on certification changed their minds because of this stunt. How did Y'all Quaeda think this would end?

history, news, dumpsterfire, politics

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