Pennsic memory - screwdrivers and sensibility

Aug 07, 2020 07:37

House Bayard was encamped on Hangover Hill next to Gabriel's Landing. One morning I went next door to borrow a screwdriver. They gave me one. Well, several. I should have been more specific.... So after an hour Lord Skylar was starting to slurp his way up my arm. He was very cute and I'd clearly met his stringent criteria of having at least one X chromosome and a pulse. Not a chance, buddy. I was literally helpless with laughter. Actual tears. Rebecca saw my "This is fun, but help!" face and barked "SKYLAR! *NO*!"in exactly the same voice you'd use if your cat were about to grab a steak off your plate. The only thing missing was a spray bottle.

pennsic, sca

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