White rabbit

Jul 01, 2020 09:02

Well, Fuck. MAYBE two hours sleep. Fuckety fuck. Face numb and hands tingly until I started moving around. Feeling wobbly in general, but more centered than I'd expect, but the day is young..

First day of the month. First time I remembered to say "white rabbit" as my first words of the day. I don't know where it came from, but there's a custom followed in my family that if "rabbit rabbit" or "white rabbit" are the first words out of your mouth on the first day of the month, you'll have good luck that month. It could happen.

73F at the moment. Dark with the promise of rain, so I wheeled the bins to the road a day early. On my way back I noticed huge gouge spirling down early the entire length of a huge pine tree near the end of the driveway. It also gouged into the soil and there were some random gouges that looked like huge clawmarks near the top of the tree. We'd heard a huge bolt of lightening strike in that area last weekend, but I wasn't expecting it to look like this. No scorchmarks. It looks man-made or bear-made, but too high for people and too neat for bears. Will add photos eventually.

Omg so tired. And we have a Star Trek game tonight with Jamey's friend Skip sitting in. I'll be a gibbering idiot by then if I don't manage to grab a nap. Odds are slim that I'll have enough energy to hoop. I need to start doubling up on my routines to keep on track in case I miss a day.

hooping, trek, lightening, sleep, work

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