Weekday routine experiment

Nov 08, 2018 14:01

It's been a challenge coming to grips with my new schedule. My commute ranges from a half hour to 45 minutes, with I-40 traffic reminding me of former NOVA/DC commutes. This one takes me onto the Beltline - just one exit into it with a dedicated lane, so not too bad. But going from working from home for two years ... to a 20-minute nearly zero traffic country commute ... to this ... I'm having this pity party, so there.

The bright side: It's not as bad as I was expecting - at least not going into Raleigh. Also, unlike the Hillsborough commute, it takes me past stores, venues and friends that are handy to have on the way. And I can pass the time with audiobooks. Coming back is more of a challenge, but not remarkable for this area. People heading toward Raleigh at night have it even worse.

The real battle is sleep. It's hard to surrender my consciousness. It feels like it's stealing my life. I have to remember that life is shitty when I'm short on sleep. I can't think and it makes me look like death warmed over. Work and social interaction suffer. Workout routines go out the window. I'm less likely to cook, more likely to eat crap. Worst of all, I'm less likely to create. I'm officially done with the bitching-only stage.

I'm thinking if I tough it out through a few nights of bad sleep and leave earlier, I can beat the morning rush, get my workout out of the way without disturbing my roommate and start the day with clearer head and more to show for it.

I can take a long lunch and use part of that time to do administrivia and LiveJournal, then leave work at or before 5PM and have an average commute, arriving at home with workout and journaling sorted, so I'll be more likely to get other stuff done undistracted.

I'd been hesitant to do my hoop workout at the office gym. It has a door to the back parking lot, but it only has outward access. I'd have to walk my hoops through the building. I'm not yet comfortable to fly my freak flag around here, so that doesn't appeal. With the new schedule, that won't be an issue. So here's what I'm trying for tomorrow as a weekday schedule (not counting social engagements). It just might work.

regime, health, work, workout

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