A turn of the wheel

Aug 12, 2018 23:59

I committed myself (again) to posting regularly. It's a worthwhile habit to revive. It always does me good. For now I'll start with something easy...

I barely touched my cards after accepting my current position. It's turned out to be a bad fit for many reasons, but more about that later.

On Friday a recruiter called me and talked me off the ledge to apply for a position at my ex-boss' company. I'd hesitated to apply because while the position is probably something I could do well, I'd have to warp the hell out of my resume for a recruiter not to shitcan it. Here was a recruiter all but grabbing me by collar and frog marching me to their office. It reminded me of motivational talks from my pitching coach and reminded me of how long it's been since I felt like I had anyone in my corner professionally. It's nice to be appreciated. :-)

Right after I sent off my application, I did my first self reading a few days ago, and it seemed to be coherent and appropriate to my current situation - and I actually saved my notes. 8-o

Celtic Cross:

1) Present: The Tower (reversed):  The (powerful) change is train is coming. Now is the time. Don't wait to the last minute. Be ready to leap when you see it.
2) Challenge: Knight of Swords (reversed):  A dude in my life in a position of authority, probably ex-military or with that sort of vibe has been fucking with my Zen. My best guess is that this represets my manager. (Unpleasant as this has been it's been a valuable lesson and an important wake up call on interacting in a non-telecomuting situation with more rigid requirements. I think it will make me more appreciative of the other positions that I might otherwise reject).
3) Basis: 8 of Wands: Accelleration of affairs. Forces are moving around me. Movement. Messages. Beneficial new ideas are coming. Travel, possibly business-related. All of this is good. Be ready.
4) Recent Past: 2 of Cups:  A beneficial friendship/alliance has developed with mutual appreciation, collaboration. A strong carefully wrought bond (Jamey).
5) Goals/Aspirations/Best Outcome: Page of Swords:  This suggests a delay or disappointing outcome. (This doesn't bother me at the moment, as I don't see anything indicating an outright disaster.)
6) Near Future: High Priestess:  Spirital inspiration. Take care with confiding. Pay close attention to your feelings and trust them.
7) My Attitude:  4 of Cups:  Boredom, discontent, lonliness. Looking for spiritual satisfaction. Feeling pulled to reconnect with the unseen. I'm tired of trundling along well worn paths. I'm looking for something, but I don't know what it is. (This has been a recurring theme in all of my self readings this year.)
8) External Influences: Justice:  Use what you've learned by past experience to guide you. All things being considered, the right outcome will happen. (Given the position of the card, it suggests that I should trust my ex colleague's faith in my ability handle the position that she's offering me and that I should trust my impressions. If I'm meant to be there, it will happen. (Duh.)
9) Hopes/Fears: 2 of Pentacles: I'm trying to cope with two situations. I have the stability and stamina to handle anything. Keep building habits that help you strengthen harmony and balance. Don't let change shake you up. Expect to receive reassuring news.
10) Outcome: 6 of Pentacles (reversed):  Unsatisfactory situation regarding the distribution of money, business, estate, etc. (This doesn't seem to fit my work situation. If I lose my job there, I wouldn't call it unfair. I feel like a fish out of water there. If I lose a job opportunity, I wouldn't call that unfair either. I'm hoping that this doesn't mean that the boys' inheritance is threatened by their cousin's incompetence or willful delay as executrix. Fingers crossed on this one.)

Themes:  Change is coming. Be ready. Take what is offered, but maintain awareness. Don't trust too easily. Don't overshare. Keep investing in stabilizing my home base, building meaningful personal relationships and good work habits. Pay attention to red flags and remove or distance yourself from things that suck the joy from your life. Put in the work to build and maintain good habits. Now is the time to delve into spiritual things and try to find what I'm looking for - or at least regain the path. Replace old worn-out routines with things that move you forward in some way. No actual disaster or health issues are suggested. The spread contains a fairly even distribution of each of suits a few Major Arcana, suggesting a balance of forces.

tarot, strega, work

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