Interview with Isaac (stage name Bookworm) from the Sunday Morning Music Blog from 30 March 2011 following the release of Outnumbered by Colors (Hue -
click here to download)..... (interview copied below in case the original goes away)....
This week Labcoat artist Bookworm stops by the confessional......
Sunday Morning: Name your 3 biggest life influences... why?
Bookworm: Honestly I don't know if I have a good idea of what to say for this and I can't decide if I think that's depressing or not. It's been a hard winter.
SM: Verbally portray your sound....
B: For this EP I would say that my sound is a blend of organic and electronic instrumentation set on top of a swing oriented, jazzy hip hop beat structure. Some emphasis on melody and vibe with a tendency to change pace and direction mid track. I think genres are limiting and have a hard time thinking of how you'd classify this stuff.
SM: Now describe Labcoat in tweet format (less than 140 characters, twitter-related abbreviations)
B: We're a group of cats out of Asheville, NC blending an always changing array of sounds to bring you fresh music on the regular. Hzzz
SM: If you were given the opportunity to collaborate with any artisan (visual, audible, edible).... who? .... why?
B: I think making liquid drum and bass with Miles Davis or Thelonious Monk would result in something really wild.
SM: If you could teach listeners one thing through inspiration drawn from your music what would it be?
B: I hope the general vibe I bring out in my music might remind people that sometimes it's good to step back away from it all for a second, inhale deeply and remember that most of this doesn't matter.
SM: What is Bookworm's favorite book? (why?)
B: When I was a kid, The Hobbit was the first real book I ever proactively chose to read myself. I've got a soft spot for that it because of that.
SM: favorite number _________ favorite color ________ (why?)
B: I like 27. Don't know why. My favorite color is slate blue cause it just looks classy. Chartreuse is dope too.
SM: time to put on the labcoat, Most underrated element on the periodic table ___________
B: Lead 206 which is a stable nucleotide and the last stage in the uranium 238 elemental decay phase. Yeah son.
SM: Asheville is ____________
B: A nice quiet place to live and pretty to look at.
SM: Define Success...
B: Providing for yourself by doing something you love. Always learning, adapting and evolving. Helping others along the way and being a good person. Also hot wings.