Happy belated Samhain...and headlong into November...

Nov 03, 2010 21:23

For once I'm glad it's November already.  I'm not usually a November fan, but here we are.  It's a nice contemplative fallow fields time.  Things slow down a bit, you have more space in your head to think over the year and figure out what is actually important.  Repair and refurbish, get rid of the stuff that you have to dig around to get at what you really need.  Literally and figuratively.

Wasn't really feeling it for Halloween this year.  I banged together a decent fairy gothmother costume.  The black and white wig with the black fairy wings that I bought for the November photo shoot, Doc Marten boots, and lace dress, high-collared bolero and pirate corset-vest and the inevitable makeup.  We  did driveby's at two parties with Connor in tow, ended up skipping a third (Gary and Connor were done), then I hit Volume 11.  Great turnout, great people were there.  I was very glad to see them all, but I just wasn't feeling "present."  It was like my shell was there and my "me" was somewhere else.  I did get a few photos and should get around to posting them before the weekend.

I had my balance back for awhile there...I managed to make it through five straight weeks of regular workouts in August and September.  Then came the Tennessee trip, NYC trip, office move, September billing, then the DC trip and catching up after that.  No wonder my enthusiasm for nearly everything is running on empty.  At least I know that in two weeks I can feel twice as good, simply by hopping back on the wagon.  I never regret completing a workout.  Time to get cracking.

Yesterday I voted in ten minutes flat.  I'm not ready to be torn up by the results.  They may surprise us.  It's not like the people we (well mostly) wanted are gonna get in there and suddenly everything is going to be all sparkles and rainbows.  At least they know we're paying attention.

Tonight was our open house gala.  Every thing looked great and I got to see some colleagues in person for the first time and reconnect with a few ex-coworkers and clients.  I took a few photos when they were setting up.  No shots of the actual do; I think the camera would have taken away from the vibe, so I went with it.

All of my billing is up to date.  Nothing pending.  Not even adjustments.  (Holy Crap.)  I just have a few new contracts to review and templates to set up.  I can finally prep my stupid annual review on time.  All of this should be done before I leave (at a reasonable hour!) on Friday.  I'm horribly tempted to get a stack of trashy novels and cram the Netflix queue with Venture Brothers, The Tick, Red Dwarf, Black Books and Blackadder and vedge (sp?) out for a week.  I will be taking a week... what to do...what to do....  Probably finish some house painting projects.  The front porch looks like a hellmouth.  Maybe that...after I finish the bedroom....

seasons, current events, work, ramble, travel, holiday

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