Mostly-work-related update

Apr 14, 2010 21:22

Still feeling like poo.  From what I understand, this sort of thing (monster pollen bust-out-omg-kill-me-now-berzerker-whoo-napalm-looks-like-a-pretty-good-idea-right-now-type allergies and sinus infection) takes about ten days to run its course, which means I have about five more days to go.  I know plenty of other people who are way worse off, health, job, family, car and otherwise, so tonight a little less whining.  (All bets are off when I start coughing up the lung goblins.)

Gary had the same thing but sooner (three days of working out in the yard during the worst of the pollen will do that) and was out of work all last week apart from Monday and is still feeling like crap as I type this.  But he's sleeping, Damn Him.  Snoring, even.

Even at the height of the March billing cycle, I'm in good enough shape to take a day or two off, but it's the kind of discomfort that wouldn't allow me to get any useful sleep during the day, so I might as well sit in a chair at work with the Full Arsenal at my disposal and get some shit [1] stuff done.  I suspect I'll hit the wall on Friday, which would be a good stopping point.  Tomorrow I'm expecting the bi-weekly UK time suck, but still not too bad.  Most of their issues are resonably current.  Friday's still got day-off potential.  And the HR Sr. Business Partner [2]  is down from DC to rep at a Triangle area job fair, so they're ordering breakfasty things from Panera for a 9:30 meet-and-greet tomorrow.  Yum.  :-)

Meanwhile, my boss put in a request yesterday to send me as her rep at a 2-day Finance, Contracts & Grants networking thingie at George Washington University (DC area) in mid-July on the CFO's recommendation.  It looks like it may actually have some substance.  More potential for trans-departmental mobility for when I get billing to the point that it runs so well that I'm bored with it.  I'm lucky to work in a company that lets me poke around in areas outside my section or even jump departments should I want to.  (I won't for a good long while, if ever.)  I can influence contracts, program management, corporate communications and training from my current seat, so I definately don't feel like I'm on a hamster wheel.

Still going to shoot for the Billing and Project Set-Up workshop in mid-May.  My boss is open to the idea, and I think it will go over well if I can get billing wrapped up in the next week.  Sick as I am, this still looks do-able.  I've been pacing myself carefully (just keep swimming, etc.) so, yes.  Do-able.

OK, there.  A full LJ entry.  (Watch me hit some glitch and see it all vanish.)  Here goes nothing... *click*

[1]  Mom reads my journal, so no naughty words!
[2]  WTF kind of title is that?

gary, health, work

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