Let's start with this weekend...

May 06, 2007 21:59

Yeah, it’s been a month and a half since I’ve posted a real entry. Too tired/fried to concentrate.  Lots of good excuses.  Too much stuff going on.

I was looking forward to going to Aries Friday night, but I'd just hit a wall.  Just finished the 3rd stage of this month's billing cycle with a ton of AP still to be entered for next week and a ton of research still needing to be done, as I'm still dealing with the aftermath of being gone for two business trips to the UK.  This, of course, equals insomnia.  (Joy.)

By the time I made it to Friday I was too tired/fried to respond to simple personal emails.  I usually perk up if we're going out to dance, but not this time.  I opened my makeup bag and thought, "Screw this.  We need to just go to bed."  I was bummed out that I missed a good time, but I'm happy that a good time was had, and glad that we stayed home.  Even though I hardly got any sleep anyway.  (Grr.)

Saturday we went to Breadman's in Chapel Hill for breakfast (we hadn't been there for ages), then we went in search of a new dishwasher (at least stuff is taking turns to break) and various odds and ends for the house, including a set of 4 wireless phones for the house, plus a waterproof handset for outside, each with intercom, speakerphone, built-in address books and a bunch of other bells and whistles that I'll have to read up on.  I also got some more photo frames so that I can print out some of the bajillion photos I have on disk and finally get some more stuff up on the walls.

That night we rented The Prestige.  OMG what an excellent movie.  Rather than go on and on about it, I'll just say rent it if you haven't already seen it, though I will say it's not a relaxing movie to watch, as it maintains a constant level of tension and suspsense - and excellence - throughout.  It's beautiful to watch, doesn't drag anywhere and doesn't insult your intelligence.  (OK - I'll stop not talking about it.)  This was followed by another night of lame sleep.

Sunday was another low key day.  Gary made me an extra-special birthday breakfast with grilled biscuits (they're really good), then I spent the rest of the day in my new home office (yay!) updating the Baronial Calendar Pages, finishing up the web page that I designed for Adam's new hookah bar in Chapel Hill, answering email and nailing down a date for a Baronial Ladies' Slumber Party that I'll probably be hosting on 14-15 July.

Meanwhile Isaac called and we had a good long talk about what everyone's been up to.  He showed me some of the new stuff he's been working on.  Then Mom called and sang Happy Birthday, and talked about Mom Things.  Gavin also called, and then came over to borrow the truck to move his girlfriend's stuff from Greensboro to her sister's place in Raleigh.  We're going to shoot for having him come over for dinner and a DVD at least once every week or two, though it might be tricky with his work and workout hours.

Gary cooked up a storm today.  The idea is for us to be able to come home next week and be able to just throw something into the microwave and slap together a salad after work.  He's also researching cell phone plans.  We're currently on a pay-as-you-go plan, but now that he doesn't have his own phone at work, it's time to get a phone with better reception and cheaper rates.  We'll probably be switching in a week or two, and hopefully have the same phone numbers.

As for catching up on that month and a half of not posting, I suppose I’ll start with the bullet points and as time allows, I’ll get to the details.

*  Tourney of Ymir notes
*  Photos from 2nd UK trip coming.
*  UK Trip Aftermath
*  My company hired
harleenquinzel  (Thank God)
*  Home office painting / flooring / furnishing / decorating project
*  Work Development Plan done (Boo-yah!). 
*  Annual raise, plus another raise, plus a bonus.
*  I has a bike!  Riding to week two weeks and counting.
*  Designed Hookah Bliss web page.

Coming up:
*  Wednesday - Class reunion communications project
*  Friday - Time Management Class (we'll see how that goes)
*  Late May-early June - Downstairs flooring & painting project
*  June 29-1 July - Asheville trip
*  Aug or Sept - Presenting training in Atlanta or DC Area.
*  31 Aug - 2 Sept - Dragon Con

I'm hoping that now I've got some of this stuff out of the way, I'll finally be able to get some halfway decent sleep.  Of course it's coming up on midnight.  (You dream that dream, girl.)

More later (it could happen)....

house, gary, isaac, family, update, work, gavin

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