Got any feedback, questions or anything concerning how I play Miguel? Please, do tell, I don't want to butcher him as a character and I appreciate any kind of feedback!
CHARACTER SERIES: The Road to El Dorado
Backtagging: Yes, please. I haven't got exactly what it all means, but yes. Yes.
Threadhopping: As long as you character was there and has some good reason, I am fine with it.
Fourthwalling: Suresure. But, avoid telling Miguel he's from a movie. He probably wouldn't take it all too well
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I am okay with everything.
Hugging this character: Go ahead. Miguel is a little touchy-feely so he won't mind. Though you do risk losing your wallet if you aren't good friends with him
Kissing this character: Sure, but no making-out. Miguel would probably just be confused, though it depends a lil' on who you are
Flirting with this character: Feel free, but do not expect a very positive response
Fighting with this character: Go for it! Expect Miguel to fight back or flee in some creative fashion xD
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I am alright with this, but no permanent injuries please - and don't hurt Miguel too seriously without asking me first
Killing this character: No thankyou :c
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Arceus ate your power, so no problems here, eh?
Warnings: Miguel has a past as a thief and conman. Don't take it personal if your packing suddenly feels a bit lighter xD
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