Mid-day news links

Nov 07, 2007 13:48

~From Wired: Bank Your Menstrual Stem Cells via FedEx.

When I read Wired's article I thought that it would be like donating blood. The company's website corrected that notion: It costs you to have your menstrual stem cells processed and stored. The "annual plan", suggested for women under the age of 25, costs $499 ("includes processing & first year's storage. Annual storage thereafter - $99 per year"). The semi-annual plan, suggested for women between the ages of 25-45 is $899 ("includes processing and first year's storage for two specimens in a one-year period. $149 per year storage after the first year.").

Cool idea but not for me.

...It reminds me that I should donate blood.

~Also cool health-science news from Wired: Organ 'Printing' Creates Beating Heart Cells. Several types of chicken heart cells, 3D printed, sorted themselves into working order and began to beat.

~From Wired's 'What's Inside' feature:

Notable points:

-The body turns acetaminophen into a cannabinoid.
-In the body dextromethorphan becomes a cough suppressant and a painkiller five times as powerful as morphine. Fun!
-Twelve times the recommended dose of NyQuil leads to distorted perceptions of sight and sound and produces feelings of detachment from the environment and oneself.

"NyQuil NyQuil NyQuil we love you, you giant fucking Q."

Weird stuff, courtesy of City News:
~Beware flying cows in Washington State

~Stupidest Laws In The World Chosen In Online Poll


~Toy recalls traced back to China in the news again as date rape drug compound found in toys in Australia.


~Oh David Lebovitz, how I love your blog, and now the declarations in your blog, especially the ones about The Food Network and high-fructose corn syrup. Also, in the comments he made reference to Giada's rack, and I don't think he meant her dish rack or a rack of lamb. What is it with gay men and women's breasts?

...and then I accidentally marked all of my news items as read when I meant to unsubscribe to one feed. Probably for the best. I sometimes leave things unread for days intending to get back to them but don't, like that magazine or newspaper pile (you know, the ones made of dead trees) that you might have lying around.

Lunch time.


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