One news story from yesterday, and I got it from
blogto's morning round up:
Puppy scam bites unwary Nigerian puppies! Free for $500!
(Imagine me calling that out with a megaphone.)
Back at the ranch gym I did a good back and biceps workout yesterday (all my workouts are
based on this one) and 30 minutes of cardio with my heart rate up for at least half the time. I say "half" because I was flipping through a newspaper for the first 15 minutes. I don't know how people manage to get their heart rates up while reading on a cardio machine, with all the jostling and the need to flip pages. I'll get an iPod and put podcasts on it. But wait, I want a radio so I can listen to TV at the gym. I watched The OC with closed captioning after I was done the paper but I'd prefer sound. I had the MP3 player/radio conversation with
quotation on Sunday. Do I buy something like a SanDisk ($120 at Futureshop right now) that stores 1000 songs (4GB version), plays video and has an FM tuner or do I go with the FM tuner-less Apple? I've always been turned off by Apple because I cringe at anything trendy and I don't like marketers and ad agencies telling me what I need. I like to think for myself, thankyouverymuch. However, even the standard tech geek tells me that the iPod is superior. Oh, the decisions. Right now I use my Palm PDA for music (though not for my scheduling anymore - Google calendar does that) because it has Real Player built in but I'm getting tired of my playlist. I need to acquire a playlist like the kind the fitness pros use.
Reminder to self: See if I can exchange my new weightlifting gloves. I've used them two or three times (bought on Aug 21) and they're ripped at a seam already.
I threw out some ice cream bars this morning. Yes, ice cream. The Rolo ice cream bar I ate last night tasted too sweet and I realized that I don't want such junk in my apartment. The last one went into the trash today. "Oh, but you said 'some ice cream bars'", you say. Actually, "some" is two. One Rolo, one leftover generic Drumstick-type cone that wasn't that good anyway. I kept the chocolate and almond covered vanilla bar and shoved it out of sight. I hope I don't have to relinquish my Double Scoop membership now.
I made a yummy smoothie this morning and I'm drinking it right now. It tastes a bit like candy. Okay, not candy but it's good. Trying to remember everything I put in...
1/2 a frozen banana
frozen grapes
a beet that had gone soft (the only way it would blend, really, unless I cooked it a bit)
a small apple
concentrated orange juice
flax seeds
....I think I lost people at the kale, but that's okay. I feel fantastic right now.
I've also been drinking a lot of water. It seems that I can never stick to one trick for drinking more. What used to work was competing with myself, trying to finish a certain number of 500mL bottles each day (started at 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, increased half litre bottles until I was at 3L/day). Then I got out of the habit and other trick worked. Now I have this big water mug with a straw. If I keep it in front of my keyboard, in the way, I have to constantly bend over it and drink. I drink as I type. Straw=hands-free drinking.
In preparation of yom kippur, which starts tomorrow at sundown, I'm going to try eating every 2 hours tomorrow. I know that eating every 2-3 hours is good but I've never though I could do it. I eat when I'm hungry. But, this week I've had a couple of days when I didn't pay attention to my body and its hunger signals, my blood sugar dropped and it was bad. I ran out of a meeting on Tuesday because it was affecting me physically and mentally. So, eating often tomorrow will serve three purposes: Preparation for the fast, seeing if I can do it without feeling sick and seeing how it affects me overall.
Another note to self: Using a smoothie to swallow vitamins doesn't work very well.
My muscles are sreo and it feels great.
My "no internet before work" rule has been broken today. *sigh* However, I've been at work at 9am every day this week.