An update for everyone

Nov 05, 2008 20:16

I know that I have been unheard from for quite some time, especially by many people here, so figured I would fill you all in! I've been away from my beloved Oregon for some time now, I left for the Army July 1st to go to basic training in Georgia, and then left September 12 to Texas for my AIT (Advanced Individual Training, basicly my job training). Im not to crazy about the Army, especially now that I'm in training, but its giving me the chance to enter the healthcare field and at the same time giving me college money and insurance for my family. And if your wondering what I mean by family, I got married in June to my wife Megan, and in Febuary were expecting our little girl Camille which Im very excited about. Like I said, Im in Texas right now at Ft Sam Houston for my AIT, which its 68W, or in english its "healthcare specialist". When Im state-side ill be working in a clinic or hospital, and when Im not state-side Ill be doing that and/or be a medic. Speaking of which, my preliminary orders say I'm going to be stationed in New York after AIT (They let us request where our preferance of station, so I request washington/Oregon/California/Hawaii, and they give me the furthest base possible away from there, uggg), and may be heading to Afganastan as soon as I get there. They will have a group already there so its just weather they decide to send me out to join them or keep me stateside, so im pretty nervous about that obviously. Once I get out of training Im going to work on getting my PA qualification (physician's assistant), I actually earn quite a few college credits from Basic trainging and AIT suprisingly so that will help me in getting to whatever level of healthcare that I end up in. I've been missing Oregon and my wife and everything back home being stuck here so long, I guess its just something that Im going to have to get used to, but I know for sure that when I get out of the Army Im moving back to Oregon to stay. So all in all lifes been pretty crazy for the last few months, but Im enjoying it and im getting used to it all and Im happy to be finally getting life on track. I do have my phone now so if you want you can get my phone number from me or contact me on here/aim/Myspace/MSN/whatever, I would love to hear form everyone back home and everyone that I havent talked to in awhile. Anyways its time from me to head off to bed but hopefully Ill talk to you late and I'll try to post up more often :) Good Night!!
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