(no subject)

Oct 03, 2006 07:53


So Ian hacked my account again, and deleted his uglyniess a second time. so for those of you that missed it last time. I posted how Ian was harrassing me by making new aim accounts so he could message me once blocked, also telling about how he owes me 80 bucks plus almost 200 that he stole from me, and has no intention of paying back, infact he says I owe him money. I told him he needs help, because drugs have obviously affected him mentally, and have caused him to mistreat his friends many a time (people other then me). So he breaks into my house (yes, it was locked, thats breaking and entering dude) uses passwords to my computer that were given to him. the first thing was to hack my livejournal, make al my private entrys public, and change the password. Well the natural thing woudl be to use the "I forgot my password" function, but my email was haced by him too. Oh oh and by this time my hands pretty much already broken from punching walls, and then I find out he also called my work, and said something very incriminating but as to what I wasnt told. Im guessing he said Im stealing so I'll lose my job or some bullshit like that. So think about this before you let him be yoru friend/let him be your friend any longer, this guys commiting crimes inorder to be an ass. So once I get my account back he somehow, probably just still logged in or something, deletes all my friends and posts for the most part. Thats my whole journal gone. Fuck. So add me back please? Please? Thanks!
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