Oct 26, 2006 23:12
This is a day in the life of... an honourary (ie. volunteer) reasurch assistant.
Spend an hour and a half on the bus. Arrive at uni at 10, sit around stairing at the ceiling untill 10.30 when my supervisor desides to grace the office with her presence. Spend a good hour photocopying. Read said photocopied pages, which ammount to a manual on the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale of psychosis (PANSS). This takes approximately 4 hours. Spend lunchtime at a reasurch assistant support meeting listening to some dude go on about how stressfull the clinical psychology docterate course is if you get on it. Finish reading the PANSS manual and start listening to tapes which illistrate the assesment techinques. Run for bus. Miss bus. Wait half and hour.. go home and cook food for Windows for peace organisers meeting. Have the meeting.
Start of day= 7:30 End of day = 22:45.
oh dont you just love unpaid work.