(no subject)

Dec 01, 2004 20:15

well, since everyone has one of these goddamn things on their livejournals, i might as well make one too...

1. Spring break 8th grade...what a blur. that was when we started to get close. now were best friends. i spent the entire summer with you and i loved everyday...exept all the horrible times and being grounded and actually i hated summer it was fucking horrible. but i still love you and i always will and i dont know what i would do without you. i can talk to you about everything and anything and youre always honest with me even if you know im going to get offended.

2. i didnt become friends with you until this year, but im glad i did. youve become one of my best friends and i spend every lunch time with you. and i go to your house every goddamn day after school. and usually before unless i get up to late. weve had many crazy sleepless nights and we agree on everything. and were definetly definetly crazy with our words. and your nails.

3. i spent every single day with you the summer of 6th grade, and had some of the best times of my life. putting toothpaste in ninas butt, throwing things at old men's doors, peeing our pants every fucking day. we used to be best friends and i really miss that and you. weve had our fair share of bad times and fights and just not liking eachother, but weve gotten over that. even though we dont talk as much anymore i still love you to death and youre one of the most beautiful people i know inside and out.

4. my "born best" as you call it. summers of 5th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade we were inspeperable. ive known you forever and i can always depend on you. we always get really really close, and then sort of drift apart but in the end we always end up like this (crosses fingers) again. i used to know everything about you, maybe i still do...but i know who you are and what youre really like no matter what anyone else may say. diapers, rollerblading, smoothies, and sam hyperventalating always remind me of you.

5. washington dc what a fucking trip. 72 hours without sleeping because of you and fucking bianca waking me up everytime i lied down. pe last year was fun, and going with you to get turkey sandwhiches in the cafeteria. of course copying answers in ms goldbergs class and falling asleep in la duke were good times too. we were never allowed to sit next to eachother, what a shame. i remember when you got a referal because we were fighting over a nickel that fell on the floor.

6. 4th grade...our best time together. i remember the first time i talked to you and we made up that song. "my name is nicole and im a pickle" and then we would throw in things like "my name is quinn and im a pin" and all that weird shit. we were such weirdos. mainly me, i was just a little freak. and of course when you farted and i thoguht a gun went off. we fought constantly and you made me so angry, but i love you still. our bowling ball argument, wow. do you remember playing susie?

7. the first conversation i ever really had with you you figured out everything about me. we hit it off from the start pretty much, and i always have interesting conversations with you. i can talk to you about anything i tell you more then i tell most of my friends which is wierd since ive only known you a few months. unfortunately weve never really been able to hang out but one day it will happen.

8. your hair flip, your mirror face, and mr posts class. i miss you i miss you i miss you.

9. i have to scream your name every time i see you because saying it normally just doesnt sound right. i love you a lot, and your the only one i still talk to. you were the only one who didnt hate me when everyone else did, and ill always love you for it. i hug you to much.

10. the only time we ever really hang out is when were with jordy, but i still have fun with you and love you just the same. i love how you laugh randomly. youre funny and weve had many many many crazy nights together. and you sat on the couch with me when we got kicked out of jordys room becuase of kieran and kyle.

11. even though we dont talk anymore, i thought i should put you on this becuase youve been there for me so much. you always gave me a place to stay when i was stranded and took care of me and when i wasnt feeling quite right. i wish we still talked because you were such a great friend to me even though we hated eachother so much for a while. i still love you even if you dont love me anymore.

12. i hate you. i would like nothing better then to fucking slap you across the face. and punch you in the nose. really really hard.

13. weve never hung out and i dont know you that well, but we always have fun livejournal conversations. i see you here and there at the promenade with anneke or someone and we always make nice small talk, but we should actually hang out sometime.

14. you live 4 blocks away from me yet i never see you. what the hell is that about?

15. youre my favorite. you were there for me through some really hard times and we helped eachother get through them...sort of. i miss you and we never talk anymore and i havent seen you in months but i still love you and always will. i know i can still talk to you about things if i need to and i think you should call me sometime soon.

16. ive slept at your house a few times and its always been tons of fun. you and jordy tried to beat eachothers ass's one time while i sat there and laughed. im sorry i always takt your clothes and i promise ill bring you your sweatshirt soon. i love you, its a shame we dont talk much anymore.

17. we didnt really get along in the beginning of the year, becuase i thought you talked shit about me and you thought i hated you. luckily weve gotten past that and now i love you so much and youre so funny and crazy. we have pe together and i dont know how you can actually swim. its funny when you make your hair look like george washington.

18. even though we've been friends for almost 4 years, i feel like i never really knew you. you've always been very outgoing and destructive, especially at my birthday party in 6th grade. sometimes we got along really well, usually when we both decided we hated someone and we would just sit together and talk shit about them. jeepers creepers sleepovers we got so scared we wouldnt go to the bathroom alone then the whole next day we were singing that song but you were always at a different part then us. or maybe that was me?

i know im forgetting alot of important people but i cant really think right now, so im sorry everyone i love thats not on here. but alot of you jsut wont be on here because i dont relaly like you that much.
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