the vacume attacked me and im over it.

Aug 23, 2007 22:39

So I took a mental health day today since I was like having a panic attack at school.

Emotional break downs have become my middle name.

I’m really tired, but the additional stress I put myself under by thinking about stupid shit makes it all too much.

So here’s my day.
Wake up at 6 shower get done make lunch drive to school don’t forget to punch in don’t forget your books go to class do some hair listen to jams talk and laugh go to lunch uhhhh half an hour is not enough see stupid people that talk behind my back go to class wrap a perm have a ciggie.

Woo im tuckered out .

Get out of school don’t forget to clock out drive to starbucks. Refuel. Have a ciggie, pop a caffeine pill, drive to work change in the bathroom unpack boxes cover jan’s break vacume and organize everything don’t forget to clock in and out shit my feet hurt

Im dead its 930

Drive home make lunch for tomorrow listen to my madre bitch about my room pick out clothes.

Do it all over again.


Im busy.

I never have time for yoga anymore. :<

1. I’m sick of always being the one making plans. Fuck everyone…if you wanna hangout you can call me and make some plans for once! Because I always do it and im sick of caring and not being cared for!


2. okay….. Requirements to go to beauty school:
a. must be addicted to ciggies
b. must be somewhat of a bitch
c. must have cool hair
d. must be spoiled
f. must be a character…in some way.
g. be a bad speller

I need to work on some of those…. Especially C and E

3. things I have to buy:
a. that bomb ass enjoy shampoo
b. fabric paints
c. hair color…I think I want a purple-ee red
d. all the stuff I have on hold at talbots
e. zona tea pack
f. one of those cool teasing combs that cassie has.

4. I really do love my class though….. we have eachother’s backs…. And it feels like a family sometimes.
….. but I don’t like when im all done with my stuff and I want to just chill in the circle for a while and someone asks me to do their hair…… and they move a lot.


Hahha but for the most part…. I like em all.

5. i hope she doesn't make me wrap that perm i missed today, tomorrow. ughhhh. perms suck man. what like 80s hair is cool or something?????

6. Im glad I took the day off…I got myself together and am ready for Friday! And jess is gonna come in and be my model!!!! So we can finish that crazy 3 hour long conversation…. We’ve both changed so much and I missed her so much and I hope this time it’s change for real.

Im gonna try to get us some facials tomorrow.
And I think for the love of tomorrow. We’ll see.
Hahha raves are so much fun<3333

7. i have to remember to:
a. feed peace
b. bring un cut nikki tomorrow
c. fill out my activity log during lunch
d. buy ciggies tomorrow
e. go ot the atm
f. study for my test on monday
g. call the center we are donating all that school supplies to for work
h. re-tickets and old sale !!!!
i. eat
j. watch the hills episode i missed this week
h. yoga

I’m going to have a wonderful Friday. I am.
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