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Oct 08, 2009 23:01

  • 14:42 My left nostril is up to something. #
  • 17:46 Having a bit of a spastic hyperventilate-y moment. Hhhhhhhh. #
  • 17:47 Whoa whoa whoa if you shake your head like this for like a few seconds you get reaaaaally dizzy! #
  • 17:48 Like this being from side to side forming an eight. #
  • 22:21 Only my mom would send a random Boomerang postcard as a thank you to the institute that revoked the parking fine she got a while ago. #
  • 22:24 Which, btw, they revoked because she took someone else's meter receipt and pretended she just forgot to put it on her dashboard. Crazay. #
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