
Dec 01, 2004 00:09

Ok, so me and Nic just had a really big conversation. We talked like we always used to before and made each other smile, and showed new pics blah blah blah. So then I was like, I want to get this off my mind. Then I told them that I didn't like how he never told me he had a serious relationship with another girl and that I felt led on and I really liked him and I had faith in the relationship since I'm moving to his city in the fall. So he's like aww I'm really sorry, but I do. Then he went on to say that he honestly could never have a relationship with a guy. K well actually here is just our conversation lol.

ThatsSoAndrew8 (11:46:13 PM): ok... so do u know why i stopped talking to you for awhile?
azkcdawg (11:46:30 PM): no
ThatsSoAndrew8 (11:47:00 PM): well i dont want to make this a huge dumb thing, but i just want to tell you what i was thinking
azkcdawg (11:47:47 PM): lol -naw its cool
azkcdawg (11:47:49 PM): be open
ThatsSoAndrew8 (11:52:54 PM): we were talking about how i find out if guys are gay, and i said i asked them if they had gf's or not, and you said well i just tell guys that ask me that that i do have one, and then u said well i kind of do. and so i said who? and u said the girl in all the pics, and i asked how serious it was and u said pretty serious. so i was kind of like wtf, i didnt know this. i dont know if u do or whatever, but i dont see this as just an internet thing, i really really like you, and since ill be living there soon, i dont see ne problem with liking each other right now. so then i just felt kind of led on and that u should have told me about your kind of gf. so i was really pissed for a long time, and id read your profile and start to miss you a little, and then out of the blue i had this dream about you and i pretty much just missed you too much, so thats when i said hey again.
ThatsSoAndrew8 (11:53:43 PM): so yea :-[
azkcdawg (11:54:15 PM): hah
azkcdawg (11:54:17 PM): awww
azkcdawg (11:54:18 PM): im soprry
azkcdawg (11:54:21 PM): but i do
azkcdawg (11:54:31 PM): but im nto sayign i wont hang out and do stuff
azkcdawg (11:54:34 PM): however
azkcdawg (11:54:44 PM): i dont htink that i could have a realtionship with a guy
azkcdawg (11:54:48 PM): ti be honest
azkcdawg (11:54:50 PM): to*
azkcdawg (11:54:57 PM): like datign wise
azkcdawg (11:55:13 PM): i just think you need to slopw down and take this one step at a atime
azkcdawg (11:55:40 PM): you agreee or not
azkcdawg (11:55:49 PM): and i hope you dotn feel liek im talk down to you
azkcdawg (11:55:53 PM): cuz im not
azkcdawg (11:55:56 PM): im just saying
ThatsSoAndrew8 (11:56:08 PM): well yea like im glad i said this so now i now i dont invest feelings into it nemore
ThatsSoAndrew8 (11:56:20 PM): *now i know
azkcdawg (11:56:31 PM): yea
ThatsSoAndrew8 (11:57:58 PM): and yea like, i wasnt like basing my life on a potential relationship, i just had my hopes up, and i prolly would need to slow it down or whatev, but i dont need to nemore
ThatsSoAndrew8 (11:58:13 PM): *bc i dont need to nemore
ThatsSoAndrew8 (11:58:28 PM): bc there will never be nething
azkcdawg (11:58:43 PM): :-\
azkcdawg (11:58:47 PM): well im sorry i guess
azkcdawg (11:58:52 PM): i dont knwo what to say
ThatsSoAndrew8 (11:58:56 PM): its fine, its nothing u can help
azkcdawg (11:59:34 PM): sorry
ThatsSoAndrew8 (12:01:37 AM): yea
azkcdawg (12:05:38 AM): k- well im sorry to let you go- but im gunna go to bed- i ahve a big econ test tomorrow- sorry bout all this- i dotn mean to let you down - nightn ight- ttyl have a good day tomorrow- and fill out that ASU apt- night- bye
ThatsSoAndrew8 (12:06:10 AM): k, night

I don't understand how you could "hang out and DO STUFF" with someone, but not have any feelings for them like relationship-wise. I'm feeling pretty retarded right now, so I'm going to go to sleep.

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