Apr 22, 2006 20:15
BUSY,BUSY day! Today was the WHUD kids fair, and RFKT had a booth the WHOLE DAY. And guess who was at the booth the WHOLE DAY? ME! I'm tired,but very happy of how everything turned out. The morning was easy, I guess I was energetic. My job for the booth was to run the kareoke machine, meaning i stand the whole day singing the same twelve songs over and over. After three hours of that, it was time to perform in our performance in the theatre. Before we started the rehearsal John, a director who is a great friend of mine, told me that he needed me to be Dorothy and sing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Now when he told me this, it was about thirty minutes before. The reason I had to fill in was because my three friends, Sammi, Nikki, and Joanna, couldn't come. I was so nervous but the show was awsome!!! I ended up being in Sowmwhere Over the Rainbow, Stepsisters Lament, In My Own Little Corner, Where is Love, Lucky Day, and So Long Farewell. FUN! Then another exausting four hours of singing kareoke, and I was exausted. My feet hurt so much, I havn't sat in like ten hours. I'm so tired!!! Well no I'm just chilling now, and tomorrow my mom and i are going to look for dresses. I need a new dress, for a wedding, bar mitzfah, and the RFKT gala. Well bye!