Aug 10, 2010 17:09
A few notes of interest. The food is good -- I wasn't expecting that.
My office appears to be perfectly copied, save that I have a bed here, now. What's that supposed to accomplish, by the way? Why my office, and not, say, my bedroom at home?
And I don't appear to have net access to be expected or some personal items. Including my bathroom. [a tic -- as casual as he's being this still bugs the crap out of him.] Look, I'm not one of those schmucks that'll go on about his need to shit in privacy. I went to college; I can deal with the communal bathroom. But it's still bottom-of-the-barrel cheap. Fire your architect.
Finally, I'd like to know when I'll be meeting my "Warden". There's a fine line between time to settle and just straight-up wasting mine, and my people aren't paying out just so I can sit around with my thumb up my ass. If I were so inclined I would do that by myself.
[Filtered to Inmates]
Say I'd like to hold a little get-together. Meet some new faces, learn names, exchange information -- that sort of thing. Inmates only, naturally. The others can fend for themselves. I have the music and the space, but I lack the spirits. So how does a man with means get his hands on a good stiff drink around here?
got some angles to play,
les is being diplomatic,
scary when he's nice