Jul 05, 2004 11:39
Welp Saturday the party was.. okay.. altho i hadda go early cause my brother almost got in a fight with jake mosqeda and so heidis dad like threw my brother around er something? like i got proof even... like5 people said that heidis dad threw him into the trash can, the steet, and the house? and hes got like 3 bruises :-/ so i htink my dad might press charges er something and then Sunday i couldn't hang out with Manda on the 4th of JUly so i hung out With Miranda And Craig and Dash got mad at me er somehting? oh well he will get over it?... Yesterday was not a good day 4 me... er Fuck guys there all gay! lol welp i think i am going to go <3
<3 ahslee <3