[App] trans_9

May 07, 2010 01:06

Your name: Aubrey
Your LJ: allfireburns
Your email: aubrey@beyondtherift.com
Your AIM, MSN, or Yahoo handle: allfireburns (AIM)

Character's name: The (Tenth) Doctor
Character's LJ: thatsortofaman
Character's canon: Doctor Who
Personality Outline: Most of the time, when you catch him on a good day, the Doctor's cheerful and gregarious, very talkative and often rather affectionate, even with people he doesn't know. He has a sort of childish glee about seeing things he's never seen before, finding things he would have said before were impossible (which he says a lot, despite the fact that by now he should have known better). The universe is amazing - human beings, doubly so. He's charismatic, dragging people along with him by sheer force of his personality, and though he's occasionally blunt and tactless it's (generally) not out of a desire to be rude, just that he doesn't much think about other people's feelings unless someone forces him to. He's just a little bit self-absorbed, a little reckless, prone to running off into danger without a second thought, occasionally a little bit childish... alright, more than a little bit, on all counts... but endearing all the same.

However, his mood can turn at the drop of a hat, and he is not always the carefree, roguish figure he'd like everyone to believe. In the Doctor's world, he determines the standards of what is and is not acceptable, and when someone goes too far over that line, he is the one to mete out punishment. When someone truly angers him - usually by hurting an innocent, especially by causing harm to someone he cares about personally - he's prone to overreaction, spitefulness, and sometimes downright cruelty. He believes he's ruthless ("no second chances - I'm that sort of a man"), but in reality, he gives chance after chance to people who don't necessarily deserve it; because he can't be perfectly merciful, he believes himself merciless. He feels guilty about everything that happens around him, even (perhaps especially) the things he had no real control over; at the same time, he'll deny or ignore responsibility for the things he really should feel guilty for, the people he hurts because he just doesn't pay attention to how his actions affect them. Hypocrisy: the Doctor has it.

Despite his tendency to surround himself with people, the Doctor is deeply lonely, and especially lately tends to consider things a matter of him against the rest of the universe, rather than him and his companions against the rest of the universe. For a long while, he avoided travelling with anyone, because "in the end, they break my heart", and the last thing he wanted to do was suffer another loss like that. He's recently realized that that decision was the wrong one, and that he really does need people - a hand to hold, someone to stop him - but he's still more than a little wary of getting too close. He's convinced that whatever happens, at the end of it all, it's just going to be him, alone, and deep down, that terrifies him.

History: Oh boy. Here for the Doctor in general, here for Ten specifically, and they are both epiclong. I'm so sorry.

I'd like to take him from "End of Time", just before he stepped onto the TARDIS for the last time; the excess regenerative energy would have to be drained off to keep him from completing the regeneration, but I'm thinking anything with the ability to yank him out of his universe can probably manage that. If that's not possible, I can bring him in from earlier in the same episode, just before he stepped into the radiation chamber, though I really would rather keep the near-death if it's at all possible.

Sample post: The Doctor has been alone too long. Not now, obviously - now he's just on a ship full of complete strangers, and on top of that, the ship is watching him - but before, spending the better part of two years on his own. He knows that, but somehow it never seems like a fact he should pay attention to... except at moments like these.

He's curled up in a corner in a room so small it barely warrants being called a room, legs folded up underneath him, back pressed to the fleshy wall. There's a random assortment of bits of electronics spread out on the floor in front of him, and he's piecing them together in some haphazard construction that may or may not do what he wants when he's done with it - sure, there are other places he can do this, labs and things, but the Doctor likes it here.

And he's talking to himself, perfectly conversational, like there's someone to hear him. "The thing is, it is impossible. ...Well. I say impossible. What I mean is, seems impossible, should be impossible, and according to everything I know about the universe - which is, let me tell you, quite a lot - is impossible. So... actually, yeah, that's... That's exactly what I mean. This sort of makes a little thing like a reality bomb look small-minded and unambitious by comparison, so what I'm wondering is-"

Are you going to come to a point here, Spaceman?

The Doctor smiles to himself quietly. That's always the voice in his head, and it only seems right. Still, you'd think the voice in his head, even if it is Donna, would be just a little less critical.

"My point is- Hello!" He breaks off, jerking his head up, as one of the crew wanders in, passing through to some other part of the ship. The Doctor smiles up at them and shifts awkwardly. "I was just... Um." There is, he realizes, nothing he can say that will allow him to continue this conversation with any dignity at all. Dignified, genius Time Lords do not talk to themselves. "Nothing. Never mind, carry on!"

He really has been alone too long. He should see about finding someone new to talk at, sooner or later - preferably before he convinces the entire crew he's mad.

If the character has magic, mutant, or otherwise metahuman abilities, please explain what they are and outline EXACTLY how they function, as their powers may not work due to the nature of the ship or may need to be limited somehow: Time Lords have an innate sense for time, can tell what points in time are fixed and which are mutable, can sense anomalies in time and space, probabilities and potential realities. For the most part, the Doctor ignores this particular sense - it's distracting to have all that in your head - but he can focus and call upon it at any time. He is psychic, with the ability to step into others' minds, see their thoughts and memories and change them if he wishes. As Time Lords go, though, he is not a particularly strong psychic, and he does require physical contact and quite a bit of concentration.

He appears to be somewhat hardier than your average human, able to recover fairly quickly from things like significant blood loss, one of his hearts stopping, or falling out of a spaceship. If seriously injured, he can go into a healing coma to recover much more quickly than usual, and if about to die, can regenerate, changing every cell of his body to heal the injuries and become a different person. (This will probably never be used in the game. I like Ten too much and don't particularly want to play another Doctor.)

Non-superhuman special abilities of note: The Doctor is smarter than you. At least, that's what he'll happily tell you if you give him half a reason to. Being a Time Lord, he's considerably more intelligent than any human, and he's particularly good at finding patterns, fitting a number of seemingly unconnected facts together into something that lets him see the bigger picture.

He speaks a ton of languages (safe to assume any Earth language, and a lot of alien languages extant in his universe too), and he knows a lot of ridiculous facts about just about any subject - physics, history, chemistry, biology, you name it. He's especially good with technology, and can work magic (not literally) with a few random bits of tech and the contents of his pockets at any given point in time. He has a very good memory, but even if he doesn't tend to actually forget things, he still sometimes takes a while to recall the relevant facts, what with all the information he has to sort through.

Physically, his abilities are somewhat more limited. He has uncanny aim with projectiles, and has some ability with swordfighting. Mostly, though, he's just very, very good at running.

verse: transmigration 9, what: app

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