Beyond the Rift: [Locked]

Dec 04, 2008 00:25

((OOC: Meant to post this before the post actually happened, but... eh. Well.))

[Locked to the Prophet and Elashte]
First, to the Prophet... I don't know that you're able to answer this, and you may not want to hear from me, but I'm sorry. Really. Very sorry.

But I just wanted to ask if it's common to sell nephilim children in this universe. And is it usually so public? Well, public in a relative sense... You know what I mean.

[Locked to Torchwood, Des and Martha]
About that thing on the journals, you know the one... I'm taking care of it. So I wouldn't worry about that. Just in case you were.

[Locked to Charlie and Donna]
Charlie, I'm going to need a ride. It's not far, inside the city, but... I thought you should probably be around. Just in case.

And Donna, we're going. You're coming with me. Told you I'd manage.

[btr] journal: the prophet, [btr] journal: des, [btr] journal: elashte, [btr] journal: torchwood, [btr] journal: martha, [btr] journal: charlie, verse: beyond the rift, [btr] journal: donna, [btr] journal

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