my sculpture TA hugged me was cute.

Feb 07, 2006 18:29

these past few days i've noticed myself either being incredibly clumsy, or just having bad luck.

it first began when i knocked my digital camera off my desk and bent the lense or something..basically it won't go back into the camera and won't take pictures.

next, i dropped a bag of groceries on the tile that just so happened to have the only glass jar i bought in beans full of glass shards.

thenn yesterday i was sitting down for lunch when i lady walked by and says "sweetie, something's dripping from your bag" turns out i had put a bottle of water in it, and didn't screw the top on all the way..thus purse full of water.

finally, today in sculpture we worked in the metal shop. i single handedly broke the band saw..well it just stopped while i was using it, broke one blade,bent one, and replaced another with a wood-cutting blade on the handheld jigsaw.

needless to say, none of these made any of the past days bad at all..and now, i'm off the HEB to buy a squash for a still life in painting tomorrow. i'll leave you with this painting teacher quote: "still life is its own minature world of excitement"
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