ok i should write

Mar 29, 2006 13:11

My roomatre is acomplete dumbass, I cant wait till summer. I mean I HATE ignorence...being stupid is one thing but this guy is just.....ignorent.

Case and point, laast night he was talking to him mom on the phone abouit converting his girlfriend from Baptist to Catholocism because HE didnt deem Baptist a real religion due to its "Lack of structure". HE DOESNT KNOW SHIT ABOUT BAPTIST! He had asked his mom 5 minutes earlier what a baptist was! Im willing to bet I KNOW more about Catholocism due to the HOURS of being around the spencers in High School, than this dick shit does. O, ok now get this, he later says "Judaism doesnt make any sense...they're like still waiting for jesus right?....they probably think its Osama Bin Laden." I almost punched his dumbass there. Eventually I had to leave the room. He and his ::From the sounds of it" equally ignorent mother were giving me an anurism. He's such a good little Catholic...lets look at his record:

- Cheated on the "Love of his life" 25+ times
- Consistantly Vandalizes school property, to an extent that were ALL about to be kicked out.
- Treats women like shit.....that actually might be a plus given the subject of this list...
- Is an all around unchartiable DICK.

I HATE this dumbfuck

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