Jul 14, 2005 06:56
There was a headlice infestation at the daycare. Crystal checked my head yesterday and she said I had them. Score. Best birthday present ever. So Dan came over yesterday and spent like 3 hours taking care of my cranial area. There is a special place in my heart for anyone that would do such for me. We couldn't find anything, treated everything in the apartment.. I have been washing my towels and such after every use and all, being thouroughly sketched and all. My head hasn't really been itchy at all, so I hoping that Crystal just spotted some funk in my hair. The wee beasties are hard to spot.
So fingers crossed there are none. I am not going to work today or tomorrow. I will not subject myself to such madness, and anyhow, I could really use a few days off. The past few weeks have been rough.
If it turns out there is nothing, I am so treating my head to a new do and color Friday or this weekend. It deserves such.
In other news, the birthday was pretty rad. I went out to the Chattaway with Colleen, Jess, and Dan. Then we went over to Limeys and met up with Shaddy for drinks. New Castle alla spinna tasted sooooo excellent. So I had three of those, Limeys set me up with some free stuff including a very grossy sort of shot of something, and Shaddy got me a small glass of something amazing. He wouldn't tell anyone what it was, but just that it was some sort of Egyptian secret. That night left me pretty toasty, and I endured work the next day. One of the women I work with made me a funfetti cake (my favorite kind of cake if I had to really pretend to like cake), and they set up the break room all nice and decorated a chair for me. They are really so rad. Everyone signed a card for me, and sent me those warm sort of genuine wishes for a nice day. And thanks to everyone that called or dropped a message of sorts, that really means alot to me. It is always swell to hear that folks care. The best toast of the evening, and perhaps ever was made by Colleen.
"There are small ships, tall ships, but there are no kinds of ships like friendships"
Big smile.
My top three favorite presents are the pinhole photography set, the golden girls season two DVD set, and the ducks. Yes, Dan purchased two ducks for me. We have to pick them up next weekend. I still have to talk to Tom and make sure he is cool with it and all, but I have to work at getting their house all set up and such... make/buy some sort of hut for them, make an enclosure, kiddie pool, food, etc. I am totally excited.
I suppose in retrospect, all the good outweighs the bad. It usually does when you really pick away at things. Sure there is a possibility that critters are living in my hair and infesting my house, sure I am probably going to be missing two days of pay, but I will have ducks. And I have 26 episodes of the Golden Girls to watch at my beckoned call. If only the Cosby show would come out on DVD...