Title: Charniere
a series of drabbles
written for the livejournal community 30_kisses
also doubled as an entry for iy_fic_contest's "action" theme.
by That'sMyFiasco
Fandom: Inuyasha
Claim: Inuyasha and Kagome
Chapter Title: Hero
Theme: #7: Superstar
Spoilers: Not really any
Rating: General
Genre: A tad fluffy
fanfiction.net She loved and hated to see him in action.
It was scary, especially at first- she hadn't been used to the power of a hanyou. A part of her kept expecting something to happen to him, for something to go wrong and end everything. Eventually, she realized that he reveled in it- that he loved to push his strength to the very limits while protecting those that he loved.
When he was hurt, it was the worse. He would shrug it off time and time again, not thinking about if for a second until it came time for her to take care of him, trying to clean the wound while he sat not-so-patiently.
Of course, it wasn't something that could be avoided. After all, it was the reason they were doing this, but she wouldn't take it away from him if she could. She didn't think he could live like that- it would be like living without a part of himself.
In his own way, he was beautiful. Beautiful in his confidence, beautiful in his strength, beautiful in his power. She was captivated by him, unable to tear her eyes away. And she waited breathlessly for him to come back to her, to proudly claim a kiss as his thanks.