I Live!

Feb 09, 2008 18:18

So, thanks to my innante need to go through power courds for my laptop like they're candy, I was unable to access my computer for quite some time. This was quite the hardship, especially  considering that EVERYTHING is on here. All my writing, some stuff for school..... grrr. I'm ecstatic to have it back.

In other news, I'm even MORE ecstatic that I've been seconded! BOTH fics!!! (This is over at the IYFG). I'm so tickled I don't know what to do with myself. My first go-round I was unseconded. Second time I was seconded, but no result. Now, I have TWO seconds! So special.

Anyways, to clear myself of the writing drought of the past couple days, here's the latest compliment.

Title: Flattery Will Get You Nowhere
          a new drabble collection
          especially for Valentine's Day
by That'sMyFiasco
Written for: Forthright's 'The Perfect Compliment' Valentine's Day challenge
Rules: Entries must be perfect, 100-word drabbles
          Must contain a compliment, need not be romantic.
Rating: Pretty general- definitely more fluff than schmut.
Genre: Romance/Friendship
Universe: Set pretty canon-ish.

Fourth Drabble: Turn of Phrase
Characters: Miroku and Kagome Mystery Woman? (I still blame Forthright for any and all MirKag I write...)
Genre: Fluff. ♥
A/N: Again with the word count issues. I had to chop this one- I like building a scene too much, I guess. So if this doesn't make as much sense as it did in my head, that would be why.

Chapter Four- Turn of Phrase

“You know, Houshi-sama...” Her voice broke the night's silence. He looked at her, surprised, and waited patiently.

Shy, she flushed pink, continuing regardless. “I just think that your eyes- well, they're quite bright, in starlight.”

Truly self-conscious now, she ducked her head, watching her feet as she waited for his response. After a pause, he replied, “Really?” He paused thoughtfully. “ ...I believe you're flirting with me.”

The girl gasped, eyes snapping up to meet his gaze. “No! How could you suggest-”

He cut her off by taking her hand, pressing lightly. “Don't worry- a beauty like you doesn't need such wiles.”

drabbles, flattery will get you nowhere, fanfiction, challenges, inuyasha, valentine's day

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