Contraire: Inuyasha for iy_no_kakera

Jan 22, 2008 19:55

Title: Contraire
a collection of drabbles
for the livejournal community iy_no_kakera
by That'sMyFiasco
Claim: Inuyasha
Characters: Inuyasha, Inu-tachi

Theme: Set #1, #16- Light
Chapter Title: In the Morning
Rating: General
Genre: A wee bit angsty.


'Rage, rage against the dying of the light.' -the poem Rage Against the Dying of the Light, by Dylan Thomas

In the morning, Kirara would be the first to wake, though one she was again sure of her surroundings she would quickly go back to sleep, content to enjoy the now-present sunshine that warmed her fur.

Oftentimes, the monk would be next, rubbing away sleep-filled eyes and leaving the circle of the camp in order to find somewhere secluded. His morning meditation was the most sacred part of his day, helping him focus his troublesome thoughts and find an inner center of peace.

Either Kagome or Sango would be next, more often than not one waking the other, even inadvertently as they began the morning preparations around the campsite. The young kitsune was left to snooze in the strange, but warm, sleeping bag, his snores whistling lightly through the morning air. Though Shippo enjoyed his sleep, he would be up in plenty of time to claim his share of the breakfast goods- the one meal during which his was relatively quiet, the combination of dozing eyes and the lure of food captivating all his attention for the time being.

Finally, Inuyasha would jump down from his nightly perch, silently taking some food from Kagome and speaking in low tones about the plans for the day. Though the hanyou might often be tired, he rarely looked newly-awoken like the others, his eyes and ears every vigilant and awake.

For after all, some nights it was necessary for him to be awake in order to ensure that the other might have a chance to get up in the morning.

contraire, iy_no_kakera, fanfiction, inuyasha, ficlets

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