Oct 04, 2004 08:16
Happy Birthday is lame, think about it how do people know that your birthday was happy, nobody does AWW well I doing that lame EMO entry thing but yea my birthday did SUCK!!! My dad ended up throwing a shovel at me, but I am hoping his intention was to hit my dog rather than me cause that would suck. I haven't talked to him. Aww lame my brother got kicked out that why my dad was angry, my brother is a liar, a Huge liar and I hate him.
Has anyone seen how popeye fights. You know like he swings his fists and gets kind of low to the floor. And goes "why I outta" well my dad did that to my brother. It was pretty funny after I thought about. And it is still funny. My dad started throwing my brothers friends out and I have never seen boys so scarred before. It was all really funny but really sad, seeing as though it was my birthday and my brother toatally ruined it. oh yea and all of this happened at about 10:00 in the morning.
Anyways my birthday sucked and I am really sad. Aww well BLAH BLAH BLAH. pathetic. The dance hall crashers are not even playing at the house of blues, so that just adds to the heartbreak.
And Saul said Did not call me I shall be mad a very long time.