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Aug 28, 2006 23:48

Here's a good mind boggler - Thanks to Sara:

She wrote in her livejournal:

What do you want out of your potential marriage mate? Do you want someone who is ambitious and career driven, someone who is family oriented and will stay home with the kids, some combination of the two? Do you want to be the bread winner? Do you want there to be equality across the board? What is ideal for you? (include your gender if its not already obvious)

And her response was:

personally, i don't want a man who expects me to stay at home if kids come, which i don't even want at this point anyhow - i look forward to having a career much more than having kids. ideally we'd both be working and be passionate about our careers, regardless of whether or not they had anything to do with each other. i would expect my husband to do just as much housework as i did, and if kids did happen into the picture, to do just as much childcare as i do as well. that's not so much because i'm against the stay at home mom deal, because i'm definitely not, its more that i refuse to be the only one giving up part of my career for us to have a family. ideally, we'd have no kids and spend our free time reading, traveling, working on our house or wherever we live, etc. ;P but i do expect my husband to have a job himself, and to be trying to better himself as a person.

And My response was:

I would pretty much have to concur w/ everything that you've stated. Though, even though its great to be idealistic about these sort of things, you have to also put into account that these are you feelings on marriage and family NOW and who knows what will happen in the future.

We are both independent, ambitious, liberated women. The problem w/ that is that I think we'd like to have our cake and eat it too. We are both young and focused mostly on career goals. Is there really room for love, marriage and family? I find it fascinating that (well, in my case at least) that I still have fantasies that some day some man will wisk me away and we'll live happily ever after. But then again, I'm practical enough that I want to live my life, have a career, have time for myself. In life I think its most important to find some middle ground w/ fantasy and reality. How that's going to happen I have no idea.

Did that make any sense? Don't get me started w/ children.
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