Hi Everyone! A little Intro is in order!

Oct 05, 2007 17:26


My names "Tyrene" and I'm doing a little foray into writing. It's not my forte but I've wanted to write about some experiences I've had and share them with you guys. Some of my experiences are a little rough with bad language so forgive me for that. It's just the way things happened. I am tentatively titling one of my stories (I'm working on two), "Confessions of a Flea Market Rez' Queen."

Yes I'm a transsexual and a Native American so that's my reason for the title. It's a semi-autobiography on my escapades and tumultuous experience with alcohol, drugs, homelessness, and just getting by. Hopefully it's not too much of a downer but I'm sure there's an audience for my writings out there. It's a little disconcerting for me at times to write about these things but I feel very strongly that someone might get a little something out of it. I'm presently sober and just take things day by day. I also have a very offbeat sense of humor so if you don't get something let me know and I'll try and explain it in lay mans (lol.. sorry that term is asking for it) terms. I'm not very familiar with how this site works in terms of rules and layouts yet so bear with me.

My other story is a story is called "Skitter: A Love Story." It's a tale of a "Tranny"who finds herself the nexus of strange goings-on (paranormal) and strives to find the balance between good and bad. I've based some of the characters on people who I've met throughout the years and do not include their real names (of course). This story is a work in progress so what you read on the blogs are not the finished version. You gotta pay for it :-P Just kidding. Okay enough of my snide comments.

I hope you enjoy the excerpts from my writings as they are works in progress. The stories will grow as I do hopefully for the better. As far as getting some works printed that would be a godsend. The wonders it would do for my ego! LOL. Just kidding.

P.S. I may throw some random writings and stuff in from time to time. We'll see how this         
       goes =0)

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