Jan 13, 2006 23:06
Ahh the wonders of boredom.....
i have nothing else to do so i'm updating this.
so lately things have been going pretty good. my band is finally kinda getting noticed...we're trying out a singer and a few bass players soon sooo, hopefully we'll find some ppl that work out. tommorow im having practice at like 8 in the morning cuz laurens bday party is tommorow at one...so that should be fun. im finally not getting yelled at every day by my parentals now..so thats good too. lol im not grounded, they didnt take my keys away, and they are actually being normal. its a good thing.
For all of you that havent heard of them, Bullets and Octane rock. and they have some new songs. just so you know. go check em out fools.
im really happy that my band is finally getting serious about this. i guess it just took us a whole 3 month break to figure shit out lol.
the only thing im really not looking forward to is exams....grah to them. but im not gonna study. i never do. and i still pass somehow, so its all good.
Soon im gettin a new guitar, a Schecter Damien Fr. it is effin sweet...but i have to sell my bass to get it unfortunately. and im going to try to buy a 115 watt cab from some guy mark knows....i need a job so bad.
Attention Diners....
That is all.