Sweet September

Sep 13, 2004 13:21

It's been awhile. I've been preparing for my first college exam. Biology. Tomorrow. 8 am. It's crazy. It's stressful. It's still not real. Walking with my friend Caitlin this morning from class it hit me that this all still doesn't feel real. Like one of these days I am going to wake up and be at home and back in my High School classes, living a high school life. But I'm not.

I've basically been throwing myself into my studies, trying to join some activities, so I can once again become the stressed out Lynn you all know and love.

I finally feel like I am starting to form friendships. I still miss that level of comfort where I can say anything, do anything, and laugh until I cry. I used to do that every day. I miss conversations where everything is a double entendre.

So why is it a Sweet September? Because I am thinking about all my friends with september birthdays and it makes me so happy to think about gifts and cards and little things to help celebrate.

Finally....The fact that one of the girls on my hall's dad invented the inflatable cheesehead...and is the president of blowhard industries....thats fabulous.

Which reminds me of a great quote from cosmo regarding "oral sex"....He wouldn't appreciate it if you made a tuba out of his manhood. cracked me up.
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