(no subject)

Mar 01, 2009 14:57

Am I the only one who liked Garret, the wheelchair-bound ghostbuster?

For people who didn't watch the show: Garret was this guy who kind of overcompensated for his condition; perhaps most notably in an episode where he leaps off of a roof to parachute down to the ground in some weird urban take on skydiving. The show was not shy about ghosts using his handicap against him, but Garret also did cool things like stick himself out of the back of the ecto-one to be used as a turret, or smashing through doors and walls with his wheelchair serving as a battering ram.

He's also the most common complaint about the show he was on(The others being 'There's a black kid, a latino kid, and a chick.'-none of which ever seemed that odd to me, as it was set in New York.), because apparently doing anything remotely physical is insultingly far fetched for someone in a wheelchair. I've seen a sled hockey game, so I know this is full of crap, but I guess I'm just curious if this is really the attitude towards handicapped people in adventure stories, or if it's 4Chan being 4Chan.
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