(no subject)

Jul 16, 2007 09:18

So maybe you were wondering where I have been lately?  Or maybe you haven't and my head is much too big for it's ego-shaped britches.  Either way, brain pants or not, I'm telling you where I was anyway.

This past weekend my mom and I scurried up to New York for a quick fmaily visit because my great (grand? he was my grandfather's brother) uncle recently died.  It was sad, but I barely knew him and for the five minutes a year that I did see him, he was so stinking drunk that he wouldn't have remembered me anyway.  Although, I did get to take a better look at the Dubinsky family cemetery.  It's small, home to maybe 50 bodies or so, 51 with the addition of my uncle and I think the oldest one that I could still read the inscription on was dated 1831, but the older ones were so faded I couldn't tell what the date was.   Odd thing: one of my cousin's second cousins (and so on...) died at the age of forty-two and instead of a traditional looking stone he chose to have the image of him riding a snow mobile engraved on it.  No disrespect to snow mobiles, because I bet they're a riot er whatever but I'm not sure that's how I'd want to be remembered into forever.  What would yooooooou put on yooooooooours?

Haha, I'm not going to waste space by describing it full out, but I had one of the most bizarre dreams of my life last night.  All I will say is that it involved Gerard, a barbeque, fantastically bloody japanese action movies, garbage removal and some lemmings.  I think that last bit is because of Dead Poets Soceity.

SPEAKING OF WHICH.  If you haven't seen Dead Poets Society already, then go out and get it.  And watch it of course.  Especially since one of the main characters is,

young Dr. Wilson.  Also Robin Williams is surprisingly sane.

Oh oh. Ok. The whole point of this update was to announce that I now own Guitar Hero II for XBox 360.

I played Dead! last night on hard and it kicked my ass.  This could be because I suck at it, but regardless, it's sooooooo much fun and I recommend that you come see for yourself because I am lonely, and have no life as of late.

Aili, Emma and Laura, where are you? I miss you.

Um my phone's keys don't work so facebook it.

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