Jun 14, 2007 09:33
Since I am bored at work, I'm going to share a dream with all of you. Some of you out there won't be surprised by its content but I don't care. It was fucking rad. Yes rad, bitches that's what I said!
Ok so it started like alot of dreams, with me Emma and Laura, over at Emma's house wondering what to do. Emma decides that she will call in a magical favor and ask MCR to play a concert in Baltimore. The details on this are kind of sketchy. Emma, I don't know how the hell you did it, but suddenly we were in this place that was half warehouse-looking thing and half Patapsco Auditorium. So the three of us are standing around toward the back waiting for the show to start, when Laura says she has to go look for Aili. We never see her again.
I run up to the barrier (because there's only like, ten people there, eight of which are annoying tweenie girls) and I yell for Emma to come up because I've saved her a spot, and it's a really good one, but she wanted to stay a little back for a little bit claiming, "I've just gotta sing". Two seconds later we're up on the barrier and two seconds after that MCR comes out and Gerard is dressed in this disgusting brown striped, mock-turtleneck sweater and black pants that are much too tight. He looks confused and asks the crowd what they should play first. Some girl yells something that I don't understand to which My Chemical Romance responds by playing "How to Save a Life" by The Fray. Everyone was really into it.
I don't remember my feelings about this at the time, but they must have been pretty bad because--cut to the next scene in an office/Patapsco dressing room backstage. Emma and I are sitting on a bed (which has my Jasmine covers on it by the way) talking about the show. And suddenly, the huuuuuuuuuge office chair swings round and who is sitting in it, but Bob muthaeffing Bryar. He has apparently been there the whole time. Emma notices that he has a whole collage of photos with crazed fans arranged pleasantly in black frames with pretty matting. Not the fans, the pictures. She comments with something like, "You have lots of pictures with you and the humans."
In the meantime I am up peeking through the office/dressing room door and somehow I can see the stage. I think they are playing Prison, and they are at least back in the black suits with red ties. Not horrible Cosby sweaters. But when I look, Andrew from school is on the stage looking upset, while Gerard is performing his heart out. Andrew looks at me, I wink, and turn back around because Bob Bryar is in the room and you don't ignore Bob Bryar.
Why are my Jasmine covers on Bob Byar's office bed?
Cut to: the show being over. People are packing up, the auditorium/warehouse is all shadowy and dark, someone is playing hopscotch along with a television show. Some of the tweenie girls are following Gerard around. Emma and I almost talk to him, but he is forced to give us a sympathetic look as he is sucked into fangirl oblivion. This part of the dream ends with Emma and I being really frustrated but making friends with roadies.
I feel like that didn't make much sense. Gerard wasn't really there he was sort of like this presence. Like we knew Gerard was there and that was alright.
The next one I think I've had before. It feels like I have anyway, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out who I was dreaming about until this morning when I really sat there and thought about it. See, I thrown off by the cooking show. J.K. Rowling does not have a cooking show, and I was trying to think of the names of chefs I know. Anywayz (in my dream I'm just watching, not really interacting or anything) J.K. Rowling has got a tin collander thing turned upside down with a sheet of wax paper on top of it. She has drum sticks and she is saying, "I just love percussion! Really, I always wished I was a percussionist!" She then treats the upside down collander like a marching snare. I think the goal was to break through the wax paper? Like some sort of test of ability? I don't know.
I just don't.