Scenester Romeo and Juliet...?

May 07, 2007 08:56

I will put a stripe on your face.

I'm going to start this out by posing a simple question: who naps at BAMBOOZLE? who? what ridiculousness is that?

Us.  That's who.  And it was the most badass nap I have ever taken, even if my pants did get icky and damp on the side.

This isnt a concert update in the sense that emma's will be, you know, complete with the standard massive compilation of pictures and videos all tastefully hidden behind cuts...but I will try to recount some of my favorite moments from Bamboozle and the weekend in Neeeeew YOooooork.

Hrm lets see. Cafe mocha on Friday night, outside under all the oddly shaped lights...followed by Sex and the City and getting ready for Bamboooooozle.  The next morning there was an allergy attack, which took most of the morning to fight and the rest of the day to defeat.  Emma's sanity was the only casualty.  That and alot of tissues.

There was said nap on the parent lawn next to Giant's stadium.  At about two thirty we woke up and decided that we would go see some bands but Paramore's crowd was too large for it just being Paramore.  I think that's how they spelled it.  Anyway, in the mean time we checked the main stage to see how crowded it was, and surprise of all surprising things, it wasn't that crowded at all.  I think Bayside had finished their set a little while ago--side note: I think if we had arrived after Silverstein the epicness you are about to read about wouldn't have happened as epicly--and the next band wasn't even soundchecking yet.  So Emma and I look at each other and give the do-you-wanna-stay-all-the-way-through-til-M-C-R-even-though-its-not-for-another-six-and-a-half-hours look.  Yeah, I don't often have occasion to use that look.

Not thirty minutes later, Emma reaches out and her hand hits what? the barrier.  Yes.  We got there before Silverstein even finished their set, and in the process we went through/were part of two mosh pits, one with this skipping sort-of boy who (we were the mosh pit wall at this point) just skipped across the raging mosh pit (to take emma's words--) making an off time, silly downward punching motion and in the few seconds we watched him go by, I wasn't really aware of too much else besides how ludicrous he looked.  Emma straight laughed at him.  It was one of those moments I wished I had on camera.  It was like the part in action packed movie trailers where they cut real quick to the main character just standing awkwardly in an elevator with muzak all around, and then the action starts again.

So anyway, we proceeded to wait and get smashed against the barrier through the rest of Silverstein, Cartel, New Found Glory, Say Anything and Hello Goodbye.  I feel like I'm forgetting one, who knows.  Hello Goodbye was so so cute, at the end of the show, the people on the side of the stage all came out dressed as foods, and wolf, and had a crazy dance party to that song that everyone knows.  "Yaaaaay beer"  I'll say it again: their guitar tech was a cutie-patootie.

For the MCR concert, just look at Emma's lj.  Seriously, I'm not going into it here because it was excellent, and thats the end of the story.

"A surprise party? For me?"
"You shouldn't have..."
lights cut.

"Oh shit, there's two of them!"

Oh and I forgot!  "Jimmy, your such an asshole! Could you just tell him--say, 'Jimmy, your such an asshole,' he'll laugh I promise..."
"You're a piece of shit friend."

Um let's see, yesterday...I got new shoes! Pink converses with happy yellow stars from no relation (which I loooooooove--as it turns out they do have nasty, cheap sweaters but alot of other stuff too.  Umn, but not nasty like it might be carrying lice)

And on the bus ride home there was this ridiculous drugged up kid who sat next to Emma and me at the Delaware stop who claimed that the reason he had a boot all the way up to his thigh was because he kicked some frat guy in the face.  Eh. doubtful.  But he also told us that he was 18 and just got back from duty in Iraq and was discharged because of a head injury from an roadside bomb.  Also debatable...until he showed us pictures of him in his unit and the very same (re: pieces of) hummer that was bombed while he was driving.  We both thought he was bs-ing but apparently not.  He then took time out from scratching his nose to insult MCR and asked for our numbers....because that's not weird.

Wow. this is starting to take up alot of space.  I refuse to edit, betches.  Deal with it.

"It's not in english....oh oh....that's because the sea serpent is talking." Oh Gerard.

Yay apocalypse party. 
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