Immortality and other types of vanity

Apr 17, 2009 21:34

I get an email feed from It has tips and lists (I love lists!) of different things that are helpful or positive for just dealing with people and the economy or whatever. Its kinda neat most of the time and other people had mentioned it to me so I figured, what the hell.

Today's topic: 6 ways to make your life last for 1000 years. Umm, gosh, I'm not morbid but I am pretty sure that unless I stay in the same shape as my current body, no thanks, I'll be glad for the sweet relief of the grave well before 1000 years.

So I'm thinking it'll be some sort of Octo-mom crap or how to contribute to the landfills even more. (just kidding, it's all about positivity, theoretically.) The advice was actually kind of pointless as far as anything to do with extending your life. I mean its all well and good to encourage sharing and kindness. And I do believe in paying it forward and all that.

But come on, if you want to not simply turn to dust this is what you gotta: do

I can just hear the talk in 50 years: "Aunt Nicole was kind of a hag, but she sure makes a nice pair of earrings.

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