Hallway Outside Arthur's Room, Thursday Morning

May 06, 2010 12:48

" They're not here either," Francine said after knocking a second time. "Unless they're ignoring us. I'd ignore us, after Monday." She knocked once more, loudly, then shook her head, turning back to Katchoo and utterly failing to hide the probably stupid concern on her face.

"Oh, well, that," Katchoo said dryly, and reached out to bang loudly on the door with both fists and one foot. "Do you think we should try and call him?"

And in the meantime --

"Pendragon!" she bellowed at top volume. "If you're in there, OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR OR I'LL KICK IT THE HELL IN!"

As much as Morgana wanted to pretend that her nightmare was nothing more than that, a terrifying figment of her own mind, she knew better, and she couldn't ignore the knot in her stomach at the thought of Arthur being hurt. She went down to his room, trying to decide what she'd tell him on the way, and was surprised to find that she wasn't alone. "Are you looking for Arthur?" she asked, going over to the girls like the yelling hadn't given that away. "Is he there?"

Katchoo gave the door one more kick for good measure -- and spite -- and turned to Morgana, running a hand through her still rampantly-bedhead hair with an annoyed sigh.

"If he is, he ain't coming out, and you'd think he'd be yelling back at me by now. Magic Eight-Ball Katchoo says all signs point to no."

"They're not in Merlin's room either," Francine said, worry overriding the consideration of how that might come out. "And nobody's answering their phones."

Luckily, Morgana had been thinking of going to Merlin's room next, though probably for different reasons than Katchoo and Francine had thought of.

"Of course they aren't. God forbid Arthur should be easy to find when I need him," she said, her own concern fading for a moment as she looked at Francine. "Are you all right? Has Arthur done something wrong?" That would be a good reason for the yelling, wouldn't it?

"It's Arthur," Katchoo replied, right back to acerbic and eyerolly. "More like something mind-numbingly stupid."

"We don't know that." She didn't have to take a moment from being worried to switch to defensive; she was good at multi-tasking like that,. She could even manage sheepish. "I just... had a weird dream--" That I'm so not going to explain. "--and I woke up feeling like they're in trouble."

"I fear he's in trouble as well," Morgana said, caught between relief that she wasn't the only one with that feeling and greater worry because...she wasn't the only one with that feeling. "I think something might be coming here and--I can't really explain but I worry he's going to be stupid and brave and Arthur."

Which was about what she'd meant, just with more words that probably would have clarified things a lot, but pfft, clarification. Katchoo shot a brief told-you-so look at Francine.

"And if Merlin's M.I.A. too . . ."

She was the only one here who wasn't having a bad feeling about this, but the mental math wasn't hard to do. This could possibly mean a lot of trouble.

"Then he's going to do something stupid and brave and insane and Merlin." The modifier needed to be added; not that it didn't apply to Arthur too, but Francine had seen the kind of things Merlin would do when whatever passed for chips were down, and not just in someone else's memories.

"Jesus." Katchoo spun away from the door, glancing down the hallway. "Where do you think they headed? The Preserve, maybe? They sure as hell gravitate to that place like flies to --"

Don't finish that sentence, Chewie. It's horribly unflattering.

"Peach preserves," Francine finished, which was probably not what Katchoo had in mind; neither was the facepalm. "Yeah, that's where they are. Hopefully this doesn't mean we actually need to take a weed-eater because I don't know anybody who has one. Maybe that dancing janitor guy?"

"I think we can find them on our own. Arthur isn't always very quiet," Morgana pointed out. "We just have to find them and stop them from being stupid." Which would be so easy, really.

"If I get to knock their heads together I'll call it a good day," Katchoo decided. (Weed-eater? Not asking.) "So let's haul ass already. You know they can go from zero to stupid in 0.9 seconds."

. . . what? It took one to know one.

[[ NFB, NFI, and preplayed with nevertobequeen and thismaskiwear! ]]

[katchoo], [morgana 1.0], [merlin], [arthur], exclamations: boys r dumb

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